Chapter 8

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We stood outside the door of my parents' house. The last time I'd been here was almost a week ago. I shook the thought away, not wanting to remember the wedding day. Aneel pressed on the doorbell and my mother opened the door.

"Oh Aneel, my son. Come inside" she said smiling. I just rolled my eyes. She was always like that to rich people. People like Aneel. People like his parents. They were always trying to get anything they could from them by being nice. I was a little nervous while stepping in. We went inside and she didn't even say hello to me. Not that I minded. We walked to the living room where I saw Aisha. Aisha was my brothers fiancé. Even though I couldn't get along with my brother, Aisha was the kindest person on Earth. I didn't know what she saw in my brother. But then again, they are never like how they are to me to the outside. She didn't know what happened to me and she was his fiancé for almost a year now. When she asked me about my bruises, my parents told her a story that I did legally boxing, which I didn't. Could you even see me kicking someone? She came over me and hugged me.

"... can't... breathe, Aisha" I said smiling. She loosened her grip but still hugged me.

"I missed you so much!" she said. Then she added whispering:

"Without you this house is boring" she said. I ignored what she said, not wanting to get back here. I said everyone hello and went with Aisha upstairs to my old room. When I went inside of my room I was shocked. Nothing, nothing was the same. They'd changed everything. I couldn't even recognize it anymore. Were they just waiting for me to marry? We sat on the couch they placed there and she started talking.

"How is marriage?" she asked while smiling. I could see that she was looking forward to marry.

"It's okay, I guess" I said. She looked at me with a confused look. I tried to avoid eye-contact as much as possible. I knew that if I looked into her eyes I would spill everything.

"I expected you to say something like 'it is ah-mazing." She said.

"I can't say anything now, it is just almost a week. But it is alright I guess" I said. She didn't really believe me but didn't ask further either. We talked a bit more when my parents called for breakfast. Me and my brother are the only children of my parents. No, I could say that my brother is the only child. They love him to death. I guess I did something in the past what made them hate me, I mean, I can't find another reason for why they're being like that to me. We made our way downstairs and I saw that everyone was settled. I looked at an empty seat and find one in front of Aneel. I sat down and he looked at me for a second before looking down, playing with his fork.

"How is everything going, Sahra?" my mother asked. She had this face on and it was like she knew that my marriage wasn't going great. I wanted to say something but Aneel beat me to it.

"It is going great, actually. We are going on our honeymoon next week" he said looking at his food with a blank expression. My eyes widened and I froze. What the hell? What did he just say.. and why? He's the one that hates me so much, yet he was standing up for me?

"Oh.. really?" she said and I nodded. I didn't know why Aneel wanted them to know it like that, but I guess it was okay to act along. They didn't need to know.

"Yeah, I talked with Sahra and she is really enjoying her marriage" Aisha said. I looked with my wide eyes at her and she just smirked and winked at me. I guess she thought my parents didn't think Aneel would take care of me. He didn't really though, but still, he let me live in his house.

"Oh.. that is good" my dad said, sounding anything but happy. It just felt like they were not my parents. Parents were supposed to stick by you and care for you. The feeling of loneliness crept onto my mind again, letting my anxiety getting the best of me. Tears were about to stream down so I excused myself and went upstairs to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror for the second time that day. I heard someone coming up the stairs and after a while there was a knock on the door. I wiped my tears away and opened the door. It was Aneel.

"Just because I said all that crap doesn't mean I meant it." he said angrily. He tried to scare me but I was already used to his angry face so it didn't affect me.

"Why did you do it?" I asked bluntly.

"I don't like them, so why not" he said. Did they do something to him?

"Why don't you like them?" I asked.

"Because, thanks to them, I'm stuck with you. Duh" he said. And that was an answer I should've seen coming. He then looked at me for a long second.

"Were you crying?" he asked me, raising an eyebrow. I shook my head, not wanting him to know. Without giving him a glance, I rushed down the stairs towards the living room.


Final Editing Done: 23-09-2016

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