Chapter 67

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I looked at her face and smiled. She raised an eyebrow as if saying 'what are you still waiting for?'

"You are fired" I said. She looked at me with wide eyes for a second and then started laughing.

"Good joke, now go away. I have work to do" she said and I smirked again. This girl should've known who she was talking to.

"I can fire you any moment, any second. And you can't even do anything about it. Do you even know who I am?" I said and she just looked at me with bored eyes, but I could see a little fear in them.

"I am Yasmin Osman. You know, the bride of the owner of this company, this building and even the chair you are sitting on. So, don't you dare talk to me like that again, and don't you ever dare to talk to any of the people who come here and ask you something like that. I will fire you. Got it? Good. Now tell me where Masara is" I said. She nodded but I could still see the disbelief in her eyes. I felt good and bad at the same time. Good, because for the first time I stood up for myself without help of others. And bad, because I know I couldn't treat people like that. But I had to start somewhere.

"She has a day off. She never works on Mondays" she said and I nodded before walking back to my office. When I went in, I saw Aneel leaning against my desk. He was just looking forward and I went over to him and leaned against the desk too, next to him. I knew he was feeling bad. I knew he was feeling bad because of the talk we were going to have. I looked around the room. All the stuff I needed was there and I couldn't believe it. I promised myself to start tomorrow. Aneel's father told me to finish my office first and then start working on the projects.

"Thank you" I said. Aneel looked at me for a second before looking back at nowhere.

"For what?" he said with a low voice. He was tense and I just could feel it.

"For everything. For this work. Just.. I just wanted to thank you. That's all" I said and he nodded. I grabbed his hand before I stood up and went in front of him.

"Do you want to talk now?" I asked. He didn't look at me but nodded. I nodded back and grabbed my bag and jacket. He waited by the door for me and when we went out, he grabbed my hand. I squeezed it to make him feel better. I didn't know if it worked or anything but I just felt like I had to comfort him.

"Aneel.." I said finally. We had been sitting on a bench for a few minutes now but he still didn't talk. There was no one around and I was happy about it. Who knew, maybe we were going to scream and argue. As always. Ya Allah, please don't let this turn into bad.., I prayed silently.

"I.. I just don't know what to do.." he said before tears were streaming down his face. My eyes widened. Aneel was crying. He didn't make any noise but he was crying.

"I don't know Sahra.. I really don't know what to do now" he said and I grabbed his chin and turned his face towards me. He didn't look me in the eyes but I stared at him for a few seconds. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him.

"Do you want this?" I asked him. He knew exactly what I meant. Does he want this, me.. He didn't reply for a second. He only tightened his grip.

"Do you really want this?" I asked him again. This is it. If he says no, I am sure he is going back to Maryam.. He has to make his choice right now.

"I want this" he said. My eyes widened and I smiled. It was like a joke so I looked at him with my wide eyes.

"I want this... I want you to yell at me when I am acting like an idiot. I want you to scream at me for hurting you.. I want you to hug me when I need it, like now. I want you.. I want you to be with me no matter what. I know.. I know I hurt you so badly, and I will never forgive myself for it. But I.. I just.. She left me in the darkness. She left me all alone, while I was ready to give up everything for her.. And you, you were the only star in that darkness who just helped me through it.. I don't want this to end.. But I still can't.. I still can't lock her out of my mind- God Sahra, it hurts. It hurts like Hell.." he said. I felt tears on my cheeks and let go of him. I wanted to know. Why? Why was he so hypnotized by this girl? I held his face in my hands.

"Tell me.. Tell me everything from the start.. I need to know" I said. I was scared, scared that the things he might say hurt me. But the only thing I learned so far is that I've been through the worst, I could through this too.

Final Editing Done (04-11-2016)

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