Chapter 63

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She came closer and I was standing just before our door. So, if she wanted to go in, she had to pass me. And that was what I wanted. She stood in front of me and smiled, taking a step to give me a sign to step aside. I didn't move and raised my eyebrow. She looked questioningly at me.

"Can you please be so kind and move?" she said. I looked at her, just daring her. I didn't know where this confidence came from but I liked it. She rolled her eyes and touched my shoulder to get past me but I didn't move.

"Look, I don't know who you are and what you want, but just shut up and let me in" She said. Oh, now she was not so nice anymore? I still didn't move. She was about to touch me again but I shoved her arm back.

"Who do you think you are?!" She said angrily.

"Who do I think I am? I am Sahra Osman" and for the first time my full name came out of my mouth. It was so weird, calling myself by Aneel's surname.

"Am I supposed to be scared now? Just step aside and I won't tell Aneel" she said, trying to get past me but of course, I didn't let her.

"You are so funny, you know that?" I said, taking a step closer to her.

"Not realizing that you try to get into my house, without my permission. Not realizing that you want to go to my man, looking me in the eyes. Don't you have self-respect?" I told her smiling. Her eyes widened and her mouth went slightly open. I felt bad, I really did. But I didn't care. Someone had to tell her that he was married, right?

"You are lying. Now, step aside and let me see my love" she said. I took a step aside, but she didn't move.

"Your love?! He stopped being your love the day you lied to him. He was moving on, he was doing great so you better go where you came from and leave us alone!" I yelled. I was angry, I really was. Not at this girl, no. I was angry that once she was going inside, everything would be over.

"It's really none of your business. It's between me and Aneel" she said and that was when I heard another voice from behind me.

"Actually, it's more her business than yours. Because of you, he threatened her so bad. If you didn't leave or die or anything, they would've been happy. They were actually, so go back to where you came from so that they can be back to the way they were. No one wants you here" Masara said. She was looking deadly at Maryam and Maryam just looked like we were from another planet. Masara raised an eyebrow and Maryam turned around, walking away. I smiled slightly, feeling a bit bad for her, but covering it. I worked so hard to be just normal with him so she couldn't come and ruin it.

"Wow, didn't expect her to go" I heard her. I looked at Masara and smiled.

"Come on, I am going to take you somewhere." She said a bit nervous. I asked her where to but she didn't answer. I didn't really want to go anywhere just because of the things that had happened but thought better of it. We walked over to her car and stepped in, me still wondering where we were heading to.

We were standing in front of a building. A house, to be exact. A house that was my thruth.

"Why are we here?" I asked Masara, still looking at the house. It looked so warm and nice, I felt like I needed to go inside. Masara just grabbed my arm and tugged me to the entrance. She knocked on the door and I felt nervous. It was like the first time, like I came here to see them. The door flew open and I closed my eyes. Voice come on, come on, come to me, I need you, I silently prayed but nothing. I saw Humeyra smiling at me.

"Salaam girls, come in!" she said happily and took a step aside for us to come in. Masara went in and they hugged and told their names to each other. Masara was so social, it always made me a bit sad why I couldn't be like her. To just smile everyday. 'You can actually. If you can dream it you can do it. Nothing is impossible', I smiled. The voice.. I took a deep breath and smiled at Humeyra. She came over to me and hugged me. I hugged her back, feeling weird.

You, my Punishment (Islamic Story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum