Chapter 45

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I opened the door angrily. I didn't want to do anything with them. I wasn't going to accept them. They sold me, left me. Never thought about me. Now why would I accept them? I never had family and never will.

"Please Yasmin, just liste-" my supposed to be twin started but I didn't let him finish.

"One, it is Sahra. Two, I don't want you. Never will" and with that I closed the door. I just.. I just couldn't believe it. Everytime I came face to face with him, I felt weak. His eyes, lips, nose- everything was the same. We had the same face and it didn't need a genius to figure that out. It was the first time I realized that he was indeed my twin. I felt tingles shot up my body but ignored them. He kept knocking on the door but I just sat down with my back to the door. After a while he gave up and went. I felt relieved because of that, and went to the kitchen. I needed to do something. I needed distraction. I took all the plates and glasses out of the drawers and started cleaning them. They had dust all over it because they hadn't been used for a long time. Gone to meet a disaster. I was so overthinking that it felt too much. That was when I dropped all the plates from my hands. My whole body went numb and I couldn't even stand properly. I sat down on the floor, ignoring the broken pieces of porcelain underneath me and started crying. I was so worthless that I couldn't even hold a few plates. I started crying, letting it out. I couldn't stop myself and I knew it became all too much. I felt so lonely, so bad. I didn't know how I was going to deal with it and what would happen. Why didn't I have a place to belong? A person to belong? Why was I this lonely? Was I really that bad to love, to have? Why is no one looking at me, asking me if I am alright. I just.. I really needed someone who just asked me 'how are you?' and I just could say 'bad' to. I just wanted someone to listen to me, to let me find myself and my happiness with. With that, I felt tingles shot up my body when he grabbed me bridal style and went over to the couch. I closed my eyes. I didn't need to look up to see who it was. His scent and touch said already who it was. He placed me on his lap and I buried my face in his neck, still crying. I felt bad for crying in front of Aneel but I also couldn't stop myself.

"ssshh, it's okay. I am here. Everything will be alright" he said. I sobbed harder and leaned more into him, feeling a little relaxed after hearing his comforting voice.

"Why Aneel? Why do I not belong anywhere.." I asked him, no, just stated the fact. He tightened his hold on me.

"You.. if you didn't belong to anyone, you wouldn't be here.. in my arms" he said. My stomach, it just turned around. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pushed myself more to him. He tightened his grip and placed his face in my hair. And that, that felt so good. There, in his arms. For the first time, even though how foolish it was, I felt like I belonged somewhere.

"I bought you something" Aneel said after sitting like that for a few hours. It was few hours of peace, few hours of safety that did me good after all that happened.

"Me?" I asked him in disbelief while looking up at him. He just nodded and took the bag beside him. Never knew he came in with a bag. I never even knew he came in to begin with. He gave the bag to me and mentioned for me to open it.

"What is it?" I asked while opening it. He just kept silent and I grabbed the box out of it. When I looked at what it was, my eyes widened.

"Thought you needed one. I mean, after all that happened. I should've bought you even earlier" he said while his hand went behind his head. I looked at the box in my hand. It was a phone. The same as Aneel's but in white. I knew this phone. Ibrahim had the same in black. I never had a phone. I always played sometimes secretly with Ibrahim's, just because I was curious about it. I looked Aneel in the eye and smiled. Then I kissed the top of his nose and he just rolled his eyes and that made let out a soft laugh. He groaned at my childish behaviour before he grabbed me bridal style and placed me gently on the couch while he stood up and grabbed his laptop. He sat down on the couch in front of me and after a while I got bored. I went to the bathroom and did wudu. I grabbed a scarf and long skirt and prayed. I prayed and prayed. If I wanted the voice back, I needed to pray, I told myself to motivate myself. After praying I made my way over to Aneel and sat down beside him.

"What are you doing?" I asked while looking at the screen. It was then that I saw that he was looking at the file 'Maryam'. I frowned when he clicked it away before I could see it. I looked at him and he looked nervous and angry. That made me snap the laptop off of his lap and went to open the file, even though I had no right and no intention to.

Final Editing Done (31-10-2016)

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