Dinner with the Parents

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This one isn't that kinky but it's still good ;)

Peter received an email from Tony, saying he wants him and wade to come over for dinner. Peter walks towards Wade to tell him the news.

"Hey my dad invited us to have dinner with him." Peter said softly. "Ok date and time?" Wade asked. "Tonight at 8." Peter said. "Alright I'll get ready." Wade stripped of his clothes and went to take a shower, slapping Peter's butt as he leaves. Fucking pervert, Peter thought.

Two hours pass both guys looking devilishly handsome. Peter wearing his button flannel, and Wade wearing his tux. Both wearing Cologne. "You ready big guy?" Peter asked. "Let's do this baby" Wade replies. He swoops Peter up and carries him out the door to the car.

Meanwhile at Peter's parents house

"I just don't think this a good idea!" Shouted Tony. Steve tried to calm him down. "It would be better to get used to their relationship more." Steve said. "Now every time I see Wade I imagine him pinning Peter to the wall fucking his brains out. Now I gottta eat while imagining that while their next to each other?!" Shouted Tony. "Babe, please calm down. I understand this might be uncomfortable for you but it would make Peter so happy if you would accept his relationship." Steve said softly. "I'm sorry, I just, I'm not ready to let him go, Wade's so rough with him." Steve walked up to Tony. "Like you are with me.." The blonde said seductively. Tony smirked. He was going to lean in for a kiss when he heard banging on the front door. Steve opened it to see Wade a Peter.

"What up Cap!" Wade said high-fiving Steve. Both Tony and Peter were worried about this dinner.
"Here we go" They both thought

Wade sit's down next to Peter. "So what are we eating?" asked Wade. "Chicken parmigiana with spaghetti." Steve said while placing the dish on the table. "Looks great dad." Said Peter, Steve smiled back at him. All start eating and Tony starts a conversation.

"So what do you guys like to do together?" Tony asked. We like to fuck, anywhere, anytime, anyplace. "We like to cuddle and watch movies." Peter said quickly. "Just like us, right Tony?" Steve said. "Yeah, but I'm sure there's something else that you do?" Tony still questioning Wade and Peter. "Umm...we..like to...read comics!" Peter said. "Yeah he shows me a lot of cool nerdy shit." Wade said while stuffing garlic bread in his face. They continued eating until Tony asked the question he wanted all along

"How your sex life?" Tony asked casually.

Peter spit out his water in shock and Wade almost choked on the bread he stuffed his face with. "Tony!" Steve Shouted. "I'm just asking after what we heard in your kitchen a couple days ago." Everyone was quiet. Wade finally spoke, "Peter is soft and cuddly and I love him very much. We make love not sex. And I leave bruises on his body as a symbol of my love." Wade then ate the spaghetti casually. Peter was sitting in shock, blushing red , unable to move.

"Well this food was great and I think we should move to dessert!" Wade said. Steve got up to get the dessert and place it on the table. Baked Alaska. They ate quietly for the rest of the night, Peter and Wade left to go home not saying a word to each other.

Peter later in the bed with embarrassment and frustration. Wade came in to talk. "Look on the bright side Pete, your dad makes good food." Wade said. Peter chuckled, kissed Wade, and they went to sleep.   

A couple hours past and Peter woke up. Wade did too. They both got bored laying their so wade got up in front of Peter.

"How bout a blowjob baby boy?" Wade asked seductively.

God I love this guy..Peter thought.

End of chapter 4

Wade x Peter-Spideypool forever حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن