"Hold it in..."

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Sorry about the wait, just been hella lazy

Peter's POV
The light of sun woke me up. I turned to see Wade's back as he snored. I got up to take a shower. By the time I got out he was already up.

"Hey baby boy." He smiled.

"Hey Wade, what do you wanna do today?" I asked.

"Well I thought we could go to the store and get some things." He smirked.

"Wade, we are on an island, there's not gonna be some random Target a few miles away." I Said.

"Actually there is, apparently this is just part of the island your dad bought. There is another side where there is a town with stores and restaurants and shit." He said.

"Out of all the things we could do Wade you want to go shopping? What do you even wanna get?" I asked.

"You'll find out, now get dressed we're leaving in 20 minutes." He walked passed me and smacked my ass. Typical.

20 minutes later...

There was a limo outside waiting for Wade and I. It was about a 15 minute ride until we saw the town. It was pretty nice, a lot of colorful houses.

Suddenly I felt a tingling feeling in my butt. It caused me to wiggle around a bit. Making Wade smirk.

"Feeling okay bud?" He asked.

"N-no something feels w-weird." Suddenly I started feeling pleasure. Then I knew exactly what happened.


The driver spit out his water that he was drinking and closed the window so he wouldn't hear the conversation.

"It's small as shit but when turned on can make you go nuts." He said.

( ok that is literally the best sentence I've ever thought of lmao 😂)

"W-Wade this isn't fu-fuck, funny!" This was getting intense, I felt like I was going to explode.

"Alright I'll turn it off." He said. Thank god I was about to explode in my pants.

We arrived the store. Wade wanted to split up and shop.

"What did u want me to get?" I asked.

"Whip cream, strawberries, chocolate sauce, and bananas." He said. I instantly blushed.

"You Good baby?" He asked.

"Sure Wade, sure...I'll go get it." I Said.

I went to the ice cream aisle. Out of no where I felt the tingling in my butt again. It started to increase in pleasure, making me moan loud enough for the shopper in the aisle to hear me. I had to pretend my stomach was hurting. I quickly got out the aisle to see Wade pass by with the remote smirking.

"Wade you fucking asshole!" I said.

"Just having fun " He said while winking.

Lord give me strength.

Throughout the entire shopping time wade kept using the button to pleasure me. It was hell. I had to use all my Spidey strength to hold it in. Finally I reached the cashier.

Something seemed familiar about the cashier lady. I walked closer and...




"Peter? Is that you?" She asked.

"Y-yeah it's me..h-how are you Liz? Wha what are you doing here." I Said.

"My mom and I are taking a vacation here and she wanted me to have a job." She said.

"That's mmm that's g-great." Wade increased the pleasure more.

"Are you okay?" She asked

"Yeah just having mmm s-stomach pain." I Said. Trying my absolute hardest not to moan.

"Let me ring you up quickly so you can leave. Don't want you here having pain." She smiled at me.

"Yeah thanks l-liz." Imma kill Wade god dammit!!

When Liz was done I payed and ran out the store. Wade came up behind me. I turned around and smacked him.

"You deserved that." I said.

"You loved it tho." He said.

"That's why I slapped you." I Said.

End of chapter

Wade x Peter-Spideypool forever Where stories live. Discover now