Chapter 11. Closeness

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It had been a week after the awkward conversation with Lord Evan in my chambers. After that all I did was avoided him as much as possible. I knew he was always craving for my blood but that didn't mean I would give up myself to him. Stephen informed me that Olivia couldn't come because her work was pending and the Butler was not ready to come.

I always wondered whether there wasn't a Butler in the mansion. Usually, all the work management of the mansion was done by the Butler but I mostly saw Olivia and Stephen doing the work and many times I have even heard Olivia scolding Stephen that they were doing it just because of his foolishness. Though, I didn't understand.

In these six days, I did my assigned work sincerely and dashed off without even looking at him. Lord Evan was a living trouble for me which I had to avoid as much as possible so that I didn't end up becoming his prey. Stephen cheered my mood as always talking about his interests, walking with me in the gardens and telling me about his brother and Olivia. He always spoke like a child when it comes to Olivia. Yet I enjoy it.

Just like everday, I got up early but today it wasn't a normal day. It was my sister's birthday. My lovely sister whom I lost years ago. Tears started filling in my eyes remembering her but I wiped it and looked outside the window.

Happy birthday Olivia, my lovely sister.

After finishing eating my breakfast, I quickly exited my room to go for my work as his assistant. On my way, I saw Stephen standing outside Lord Evan's study room. He was in his deep thoughts until I interrupted him.

"What are you thinking so deeply, Stephen?" he quickly turned towards me and waved his hand with a smile.

"Well, I think I forgot something. Something important" he widened his eyes which made me amused. My adorable brother. I was going to speak but then I heard a familiar voice.

"You forgot her birthday. I didn't expect this. I thought you would've started the preparation" Lord Evan said completely disappointed by his brother, walking towards me and Stephen.


Who's birthday?

I was going to ask when he spoke again. "It's Olivia's 18th birthday and this dumb head forgot that" he slapped Stephen's head gently. Another coincidence. Olivia and my sister Olivia, both were born on the same day. "....I sent her to pick the Butler so that she couldn't come back early and we could prepare everything for the party. I was sure that Butler wouldn't come so easily after what you did to him, Stephen" Evan glared at Stephen. While I quickly tilted my head towards Stephen with wide eyes.

"What did you do to him, Stephen?" He chuckled thinking about something making Evan and me confused. "Nothing important, sister" he waved his hand again in the air.

"Perhaps, nothing important just throwing spiders on that poor Butler, pushing him in the well and God knows what and all you did to him" Evan remarked.

What! Stephen pushed the Butler in the well. God! This is unbelievable. How can he act so childish. I widened my eyes at Stephen for an answer.

"Evan why are you talking like that Olivia. And sister don't worry. That man was challenging me that he is more brave than me. So, I just wanted to check his bravery and he proved it wrong" he chuckled again.

The Vampire King's Mate [Completed]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα