Chapter 28. Abduction

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"Stephen killed them"

I stared at Olivia not able to comprehend what she was trying to say.

Why would Stephen kill someone?

He doesn't have any power control issues like Evan. That couldn't be true. He's my brother. He won't do that. I know him well. However childish he might be, he never hurts innocent people.

I thought Olivia liked him. Then why would she accuse him of such a crime?

I scanned Olivia's face for any sign of joke but she looked deadly serious which had my hands shivering.

"No. No. No. That can't be true." My voice was barely above a whisper but she must have heard very well.

"I am telling you the truth, Elina. Believe it or not. I saw him that day." She replied trying to reach me. I took a step back.

How did she see him? No one was present that day except my parents, me and the two vampires.

Could she be the other vampire?

"H-How? How do you know all this?"

She stopped and opened her mouth than closed it. It seemed like she was trying to say something but couldn't. Atlast she spoke,

"I-I am your small sister Olivia. The sister who disappeared years ago. The sister who you thought is dead since last 12 years." She looked at me, tears flooded in her eyes.

"I am sorry. That day, mom and I heard dad scream. Mom said me to stay inside while she checked what was wrong. I didn't comply to her request and slowly eavesdrop the horrid scene that took place. Ste-Stephen was holding mom by her neck while father laid dead on the ground, blood oozing out of the two peirced marks in his neck. Even though, she was going to die, her attention and concern was on me, Elina. She said me through signs to run away. I shook my head. I couldn't leave my mother to die. But when he dug his fangs in mom's neck and I heard you scream, I was scared. I didn't know what to do so I ran away. I didn't even take you along, I just ran away. Who does that to her own sister? I am sorry. I thought you were dead just like you thought about me." Tears flowed effortlessly from her eyes as her gaze was fixed on the ground.

I looked at my sister with teary eyes. Certainly, she would be the only one who must have witnessed the whole scene unfold in front of her innocent little eyes.

I wanted to comfort my sister. I didn't know the little Oli I thought was dead, was with me all along.

If she already knew Stephen was the one who killed our parents-though my heart still doesn't believe it-then why did she stay with him all these years in the same mansion?

My unasked question was answered as she spoke further,

"I wondered in the streets for days without food before Evan found me and bought me here. I was thankful to him. I planned on staying here till I was of age to earn because Evan asked me to. But the day I saw Stephen and realised he was Evan's brother, my intention changed. All I wanted was revenge. I wanted to hurt him just like he hurt my family." She looked up at me.

I nodded for her to continue with a small smile of encouragement. I knew there was more to the story.

"I trained myself. I worked hard day and night. I don't know how but I could feel an unexplainable power inside me. I was too strong for a normal human. Then I defeated the head guard and acquired a good position in the empire as I became the head guard. But all along my main motive was crushed. As I grew up, I came to know Stephen well. And you know what? He wasn't even a tad bit of a person I had expected him to be."

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