Chapter 26. Secrets of the past

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A/N: The title of 'Lost in the dark' has been changed to 'The Vampire King's Mate'.

"I love you, Elina."

My eyes were pooling with unshed tears. This wasn't what I was expecting.

I am aware I felt connected to him. Whenever he came near my heartbeat quickened like some alien creature. His touch gave me weird feelings. I was attracted to him...



Do I love him? I don't know.

I looked up at him. His eyes carried so much sincerity. The image of my parents being sucked to death by the vampire flashed in my head.

Was this the same eyes which saw my parents death?

I freed my hands from his hold and moved backwards. Why was this so hard? Why couldn't I just ask him? The tears which I have been holding back betrayed me and flowed down my eyes.

Elina stop crying. You can't show him your vulnerability.

I shook my head vigorously and wiped my eyes from the back of my palms. I asked the one thing which might change numerous things between us.

"Did you kill my parents, Evan?"

He visibly stilled and his eyes went wide. He didn't move just stared at me. Evan's eyes held so many emotions which I couldn't quite decipher.

This was all I needed to confirm. Though he didn't respond, I already knew the answer.

"Look Elina. I can explain." He moved towards me.

I shook my head. Tears flowed down my eyes as I ran into the mansion. I ran past Stephen and Olivia who kept asking what happened. Even Evan was calling my name. But I didn't care. I just ran to my room and shut the door behind me and sat down leaning on the door.

I heard someone knock but I didn't respond. I sobbed bringing my knees to my chest and leaned my head on it.

"Elina please listen to me. I can explain." Evan said from the other side of the door.

What was he going to explain? How he killed my parents!

Anger started boiling inside me. Still I didn't respond. Let him get the silent treatment. But he continued,

"That day I lost my control. All I wanted to do was kill. If I stayed here I would have ended up killing every person in the mansion, even Stephen. So I ran away from the mansion to the restricted forest where no one resides except wild animals. I didn't know people stayed there, Elina. I didn't know."

His voice held so much sadness that at that moment I didn't care what he did. I just wanted comfort him but refrained from doing so and let him continue.

"Your father was exiting the house bidding farewell to your mom. But all I heard was the blood flowing through his veins. When he came out, I....killed him."

How much pain my father must have gone through when those fangs sunk in his neck. I balled my fists at the thought.

"Your mother heard your father's scream. She came out to check your father but I killed her as well. I am so sorry. I know my apologies won't change the past but I want you to know that I am sorry. I was so blinded by bloodlust. It was my fault. I lost control. I am sorry."

I sobbed my heart out. My parents didn't deserve that kind of death. They were the most kindest soul. They were the best parents.

Evan kept muttering sorry. I didn't wanted to hear his voice. Not now.

"Evan, Go." I knew he was still there. "Please..."

I sounded so vulnerable. This isn't me. Father has always told me to stay strong. At least I could do that.

I got up wiping my eyes. I guess Evan went because the sounds coming from the other side of the door stopped, leaving silence for me to think over everything.

I stood in front of the mirror and looked at the girl who looked back at me. Her eyes were puffy and red. Her hair looked like one of the ghosts. And she looked so sad. I stared at that girl.

How could she be attracted to the person who killed her parents?! How could she stay under the same roof with her parents muderer?

Will her parents forgive her for that? Will her parents forgive her for not avenging their death?

Suddenly, I caught sight of a silhouette looming over the window. It was flying in the air outside the closed windows. My eyes widened. Who could that be? I picked up one of the heavy artifacts and moved over to the window with cautious steps.

As I approached the window, my eyes widened as I recognised the person. What is she doing here? And how the hell was she able to fly like that?!

I opened the window and Giselle entered the next second. What the-

"Why the hell did you come back?! And how were you able to freaking fly?!" I yelled.

"Silence, human. You might alarm everyone. I am not here to answer your narcissistic questions." Giselle replied in her shrilly voice.

For some reason, this time it did sound like her own voice instead of the woman's voice I heard earlier.

"By the way, I came here to give this." She extended her palms revealing a small glass bottle filled with some weird green coloured liquid.

"What is it?" I asked being cautious.

I wasn't buying any of her lies. She did tell the truth last time. Still...She's Giselle, a certified bitch for heaven's sake!

"This a truth Elixir. It will help you make Evan confess the truth about killing your parents. Add this in Evan's drink. Remember, he shouldn't have the knowledge about it." She gazed me up and down and made a disgusted face.

What's wrong with her? What makes her think I will do as she says?

"I am not taking it besides Evan already told me why he killed my parents. So you can get out or I can gladly call someone to escort you." I crossed my arms over my chest with a fake sincere smile.

"God! What did he see in you?" She frowned, "It's your choice whether you want to use it or not. Who knows he might have not told you the exact truth? I will just leave this for you." She placed the tiny glass bottle in the desk.

Walking towards the window she turned around and smirked. "About revealing to others about me. I am sure you won't be able to do that."

Her smirk widened and for the second time, she threw some mud like thing on my face. I shut my eyes. When I opened them, she was nowhere.

I picked the bottle with the weird green liquid from the desk.

What will I do with this?

Will I use it?


Boring chapter, right?

Don't worry. I am sure the next chapter will be interesting and shocking.

Who knows you might find the real truth about Elina's parents death and maybe a person Elina lost years ago will be back......

Evan: Mystery, will you leave anything for us to reveal?

Mystery: *smiles slyly* Sorry, I couldn't resist.

[I know that was stupid;P]

Anyways, the next chapter will be updated on Wednesday:)

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