Chapter 16. Venetian hills

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We were in the forest of Venetian hills. I walked along with Stephen and Olivia on my either sides. We were following Evan as he leads the way to the waterfalls. Olivia was fully irked as Stephen kept on rambling about his plans to play pranks on the butler by throwing insects on him and how he was going to react. I pity poor Mr. George. Stephen surely wasn't going to spare him.

The forest seemed quite silent except for Stephen's continuous rambling and the sounds of birds chirping. We had to walk a long distance until we reached the waterfall. Half an hour already passed and we were still walking. I wonder if Evan forgot the route and we were just roaming in the woods.

Stephen seemed to mirror my thoughts as he spoke: "Evan, are you sure you didn't forget the route?"

"I am not you, Steph." Evan deadpans turning to him with a blank look, "We will reach in a couple of minutes, okay."

And then he resumed his march ahead.

I was already tired and I swear if we don't reach fast, then I am going to take a U-turn and go back to the mansion. Stefan whined the whole journey as he couldn't find an insect. Usually, I enjoyed his childish behaviour but now it really was eating my head. My stomach was grumbling and my head hurt so bad like someone was pricking me with thorns. I kept my head bent down and walked trying not to get frustrated. Okay, I ate food in the morning and since then just three or four hours passed but when it comes to food, I can't really control myself for long. It's better we reach fast. As if God listened to my prayers, Evan said that we were very close to the falls.

I was completely awestruck when we reached the Venetian Waterfalls. The place was full of trees and greenery. The water flowed from the high cliff down the huge rocks to get collected in the large lake. The place was magnificent. There was something magical about the place. It had a beautiful essence of nature.

We settled near the waterfall. Olivia brought food packed in the basket for our stay. After everyone finished eating, Stephen and Olivia jumped in the lake for swimming and now they were fighting. They had a swimming competition and no one is ready to accept who lost. Although both of them reached the end of the lake at the same time, each of the two thinks their self as the winner. These two will always remain kids fighting for anything and everything.

I, on the other hand, was standing near the lake and watching them fight. I really loved the place but when it comes to large water bodies, I am not really fond of them or maybe scared. It's a weird phobia that makes me feel that if I put my foot into water then I would die. I know it's delusional but I can't help it.

When I was small, I almost drowned two times in a river if it weren't for father to fetch me out. Henceforth, I have this phobia.

"You can swim. I didn't refuge you to do that."

I snapped my head in the left direction, startled by the voice. Evan. Yeah did I forget to mention him? All this time he was doing God knows what and now he is here to startle me. He looked mouth watering in his white shirt with top buttons undone and black jean but what does he mean by
'I didn't refuge you to do that'  as if I listen to all that he says. I don't need your permission to do anything!

Calm down, Ellie. You can't make a tantrum out of a small thing, said my inner voice.

"I am not on good terms with water, milord"


"I mean I have this phobia due to which I am afraid of stepping into the water"

"Let's cure your phobia" with that he tug to my hand and dragged me towards the lake. I was tongue-tied. All I could see was the deep lake in front of me which freaked the life out of me.
Someone, please save me!

I wriggled in his grip. Why does he want to kill me? Please let me go! Tears flooded my eyes making my vision blurry and he stopped, looking at me concerned.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Evan asked releasing the hand and cupping my face. I shook my head. How does he expect me to be okay?! He was going to put me in that pit of water! I would've died if I drowned. I didn't understand what took into me that I started crying on the very spot. My senses were going haywire. I was starting to get a panic attack but then two warm arms engulfed me.
"You'll be okay. Calm down" he coos rubbing my back up and down, chanting encouraging words. I felt my nerves calming in his warm embrace. My senses started becoming normal. I stayed in the same position for a few minutes before moving back.

"You okay?" I nodded without uttering a word.

"I-I am sorry. I didn't know you had such an extreme fear. I mean, We didn't even step into the water"

He Apologised. The great egoistic vampire king Apologised to me? That was epic! This instantly made my mood back to normal.
"You said sorry?!" It sounded so comical to my own ears.

He made a somewhat funny face like he himself was thinking about the same thing. Great!


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