Rosemary (part 2)

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 As they stared into each other's eyes, he found it unbelievable that she couldn't recognise who he was. One look at her and he recognised her. Why wasn't her situation the same? Sure, he changed quite a lot but for someone who had hung out with him for quite a while, she should have been able to recognise him.

Perhaps, she had completely erased him from her memories. Why wouldn't she? She never had him in mind in the first place. Erasing him from her memories would be a piece of cake for her. She seemed to have moved on quite well. A part of that thought somehow infuriated him. He felt something ignite within him.

"Tell me, Miss good do you recall numbers, places and...faces?"

She slightly furrowed her brows at the unexpected question. Sometimes, she wondered if all this is still part of the interview. Nevertheless, she was going to give him nothing to complain about.

"Good. It's okay." She replied, trying her best to remain calm.

A strange smirk suddenly grew at the corner of his lips, as he relaxed back on his seat. His eyes remained on her. She found it weird and a bit uncomfortable but her eyes never left his. Eye contact was best to show how confident she is, but she wouldn't deny the feeling of wanting to look away at times. There was something definitely odd about this man in front of her but for some reason, she couldn't figure that out.

"Are you sure, Miss Stuart...are you sure?" He asked, as the smirk had vanished from his face.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Was she supposed to recall something?

"Um... yes." She replied, still in a state of little confusion. After staring for what seemed like ages, he finally spoke up.

"That will be all, Miss Stuart. You may leave." He told her, as he looked away and down to the paper on his table.

She had to admit; that took her by surprise. A part of her expected some other strange question, mostly official; but now, all of a sudden it's over.

Gently, she moved her chair backward and got up to her feet. She took one last look at him who hasn't spared her another look before she turned away to leave the office. Her mind wasn't at peace. Something strange was going on.

For some reason, he looked familiar and the talk of her ability to recall. Has she actually met this man before and if so, where exactly? She tried to recall the part of his face, piece by piece as if trying to fix a puzzle. She needed to know what this feeling was. It was impossible for her to have worked with him in the past. She would definitely recall working for a billionaire like Mr. Enrico Vos. Then, she mentioned the name. Something does sound familiar in it. That surname. There was a familiarity to it. She knew she had seen it somewhere. Possibly someone else with the exact surname... She suddenly stopped just as she was a few steps away from his table.

Her eyes widened in surprise, as the truth hit her.

Could, it can't be.

She debated within her for a second. Questions flowing in and out of her mind, as she slowly turned back to him.

"T-Tyler?" She asked, confused. A part of her argued that it couldn't be him but watching him suddenly freeze at the mention of that name. She knew it had to be. How could that be possible?

He raised his eyes to her. She finally remembered. He had given up on her actually recognising him; but then again, there she stood staring at him with a confused and mixed look on her face. Her eyes held so many questions; majority of which he was sure would be how he could look so different now. How could he be running a multi-billion company? A part of him wanted to laugh out loud and rub it in her face at how beautifully the tables had turned but he knew that would just be childish of him. He needed to show her how better of a person he now is, without having to sound needy or anything of that sort.

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