14. Violet

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Sometimes, the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.
by H.Jackson Brown Jr.

Her brows slightly furrowed as her arms tightened around his body. A cute smile formed on her face while her eyes remained shut. She didn't know exactly what it was, but that very position made her feel so comfortable and safe. A great sense of belonging. Eventually, she fluttered her eyes open. Her eyes lurked left and right before she lazily raised her head up. Kiana looked away from her environment and slowly descended to the person she had apparently leaned on. A part of her feared the worst, as she realised she wasn't the only one on the bed. Her eyes widened in shock as soon as her eyes landed on his face.


Her breath felt hitched within her throat. She felt tempted to quickly draw away from the strange position they were in but stopped herself as she realised he was asleep. Perhaps, the safest and less embarrassing thing to do would be to quietly walk away without letting him know. Gently and carefully, Kiana withdrew her arm away from him and made sure to get off the bed without making much of a sound or getting him to wake up.

She let out a little silent sigh as she now stood beside the bed. Her eyes fell on his face once more and just like a moth drawn to a flame, she couldn't look away. For some reason, staring at Enrico sleep and look so peaceful set a different feeling within her. It was weird. She knew it was. Even while asleep, Enrico still looked as handsome as ever. The fact that she had been lying so close to him all that time made her feelings grow a lot weirder. She couldn't explain why he laid beside her in the first place. It made her wonder if he felt this was strange just as much as she did. It made her wonder if he felt a little embarrassed as she does. Could she be the only one reading everything all wrong? If so, all this needed to stop.

Stay with me.

Kiana's eyes widened in surprise as she covered her mouth with her hand, right at her gasp. She just recalled an important part of her memory and doing so didn't help matters at all. It so happens she had been the one that had told him to stay. Kiana slapped her forehead in frustration, wondering why on earth she said that. Out of all the words she could have said while being sick, she chose those exact words.

Suddenly, Enrico slightly turned on the bed and in the process pressed his glasses a bit. Kiana noticed it and felt the need to save them. He treated her nice while she was in bad shape. The best she could do was save his glasses, so she carefully walked to the other side of the bed. She bent right beside him before stretching her hand and gently taking the glasses off his face. He slightly moved and so she froze right on the spot for a second. He remained the same, so she withdrew her hands as she felt safe enough to do so. She folded and kept it on the bedside table right close to him. It would be easier for him to reach them once he was awake. Kiana's eyes shifted back to his face. Enrico was right.

Everything else changed about him except his eyesight. He still couldn't see properly without them. She had come to the understanding that he wore contacts during the day when he's out in public, but returns to the old fashioned way of putting on glasses. She recalled a memory from the past of just how much he had been bullied back then due to his glasses. He had confided in her of just how uncomfortable his glasses made him feel. She had told him not to let anyone get to him because of it. Someday, they were going to envy him. He had smiled.

Now, staring at him, her words had somehow come to pass. A strand of his hair covered his face and she couldn't resist the temptation of gently pushing it away from his face. She stared some more before suddenly looking away. She stood straight on her feet before walking right out of the room without taking a look back.

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