24. Lotus

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We accept the love we think we deserve.
by Stephen Chbosky

Kiana woke up in a startle and as she tried her best to recollect her reality, she blinked a few times, then rubbed her eyes with her hands while she sat up. Taking a look around, she realised she was the only one left in the office and darkness had taken over the day. Earlier, when the sun was still at the verge of setting, she felt her eyes grow heavy with sleep, so she had decided to give herself a few minutes of rest, but now, it seemed she took more than that.

Kiana let out a sigh, feeling a little exhausted, as she leaned further away from her desk. She picked up her phone with the intention of checking the time, only to immediately stop as she caught sight of her new wristwatch. She put up a simple smile, feeling a little silly about her habit. She turned the phone on and that's when she noticed the text message from Nicolas. The memory of the day all came back to her. She had forgotten about Nicolas. She took one look at the time the text came in and realised it has been about ten minutes now. She let out another sigh of relief. She was still going to make it to him. She couldn't afford to let this problem draw any longer. Everything would have to be sorted out that very same day.

Without wasting a second more, she got up to her feet and began sorting out everything on her desk, as quickly as possible. Afterwards, she got her handbag ready for her to leave. She first put on her shoes before wearing the handbag over her shoulder. She took the first step forward to leave, but by the second step, she instantly came to a halt.

"Enrico." She pronounced nearly in a whisper, before turning towards the direction of his office. She had forgotten that Enrico was back and in his office, but then again, she recalled the fact that she had fallen asleep so during that period, he could have left without letting her know. Never mind that, she would have to check up on him before leaving, so she walked forward. She placed a light one or two knocks on his door and when she couldn't hear a thing, she decided to slightly have a look in, so she slowly but carefully opened the door to a little entrance.

Her head popped in first and her eyes scanned the office for any sight of him. Eventually, she sighted him with his head on his table. Judging from how still he remained, she could only resolve to two conclusions. He was either dead or asleep. Kiana wasn't going to accept the first option on any kind of occasion, so she chose the second. She made her way carefully and gently into his office and towards him, while trying her best not to wake him up. She only stopped when she was by his side. He seemed to have laid his head on the table without support from his arms, as she could see them resting on his lap right below the table.

She stared at him for a moment and when no movement was sighted from his part, she decided to have a closer look at him. Kiana squatted beside him and only after another moment of staring at his face did she decide to bring her index finger a little close and below his nostrils. A simple smile formed on her face as she felt his soft breath on her finger. Thankfully, he was alive. Although Kiana withdrew her hand away from him, she couldn't do the same with her eyes. They seemed glued to his face. Watching him sleep made her retain the simple smile on her face. She couldn't help but admit how angelic he looked while he was asleep. He seemed so peaceful. Enrico rarely fell asleep in the office, which made her think of the fact that he might be really exhausted, but then again, she wondered why didn't he just get up and head home. He was the boss and no one would question his movements. She thought of another fact that he might be trying to lead by example.

Once again, Kiana couldn't resist the urge of lightly stroking his hair with her fingers, careful enough for him not to notice. His hair was soft and although she couldn't run her hand deeper through it, this would suffice. Whilst staring at his face and lightly stroking his hair, Kiana admitted to herself that something had definitely changed within her. She recalled the kiss they had shared and she could feel herself go through almost all the emotions she went through then. It was pretty obvious that her feelings towards him had changed. Something had definitely changed, but she still lacked the ability to decipher exactly what it all meant. Was he back to being her very good and caring friend or was there something else a little special than what they already have? If only she could get the answers to her question, then perhaps, her relationship with Enrico would become a little better than what it was.

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