Lotus (part 2)

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"I know it's too early for me to make this confession, but I really had no choice but to do so... Kiana, I really don't want to lose what we already have going on between us. The person you used to know is gone and the person sitting in front of you is an entirely different person." He started, trying his best to convince her.

"Actually, I never had any problem with you... Back then, you had a habit of always getting in the way between Tyler and I, so I sort of dealt with you a little, but do you want to know something new? I was always jealous of Tyler. He had you. I mean, you were always there for him, ready to take the blow, ready to get in trouble just for his sake... It pissed me off a little bit, but it also cost me the chance of having anything special with you." He paused once again to analyse the look on her face. She didn't seem to panic or anything of that sort, so he continued.

"When I met you once again after so many years, I told myself that fate was giving me yet another chance and this time, I wasn't going to mess it up... Tyler isn't here to complicate things, so Kiana, I'm not asking you to immediately reciprocate the same feelings I have for you. I'm asking you to get to know the new me... please give me a second chance." He requested in the best modest manner possible. She was left with nothing but to stare at him. He had said so much and she, on the other hand, barely said her heart's desire.

Kiana couldn't help wondering if this situation right there would have been different, if she reunited with Nicolas first before ever eventually meeting up with Enrico. Could she have given him a chance? What were her limitations? Letting out a silent sigh, Kiana realised it was tougher than she had presumed.

* * *

Enrico drove his car to a stop in obedience to the traffic light ahead. After staring ahead for a moment, he took one look to the side, then shifted his eyes back to its first direction. Slowly, his brows furrowed as he recollected the fact that he actually saw something. He instantly returned his gaze back to the side he had taken a look at and there, a little farther from where he was, lay a restaurant. In that restaurant, looking through the transparent glass, Enrico could see Kiana seated in front of a man. He couldn't get a clear image of the man, but as for Kiana, he could clearly tell she was the one. He looked down for a moment, as he tried to figure out what she was doing there with a man. His entire belief was that she had gone off to work, but it seemed she was having some sort of dinner date with this very anonymous man.

He raised his eyes back to them and stared at the scene that played in front of his eyes. They seemed so engrossed in their conversation and Enrico couldn't help feeling infuriated.

Why didn't she tell me about this?

He asked himself, knowing very well he wasn't going to get an immediate reply. He couldn't look away. The harder he stared, the more depression settled in.

The loud honking sound behind him, startled him out of his thoughts. He forced himself to look away from Kiana and unto the traffic light. It had changed to green and the vehicles in front of him had all driven off, whereas he stalled the ones behind him. After stealing one more glance at Kiana, he drove forward and past the traffic lights.

Enrico couldn't stop thinking of what he saw. She was with another man and that didn't make him happy one bit, plus, she hid her date from him. He had to find out on his own. He was vexed with her, but then again, the man didn't seem very familiar. In fact, he had no idea who that very man could be. Suddenly, he recalled the strange man Kiana had spoken to earlier today.

Is he the same man?

He wondered once more, but just like before, he didn't have a good reply. Kiana had told him that the man was just visiting, but later, he just saw her having dinner with him. Could she possibly be hiding something from him? Why doesn't she want him to meet this friend of hers? So many questions ran through his mind that it made driving with focus a little impossible for him. He knew he needed answers and he was going to get them. Driving up to the next junction, Enrico made a U-turn heading right back to the restaurant.

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