Chapter 2

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Allison was giving up balance beam time to be there, but the toddler next to her was smiling wider than she ever seen, and that make every second worth it.

"Look at all the other Ballerinas!"

The toddler twirled around, staring at the countless girls in tutus and slippers. The toddlers outfit was just as fancy, and she would have fit in perfectly if not for the prosthetic leg. Allison herself stood out far more from the crowd, with her sweatpants messy hair.

"Where's the stage Alli? I'm ready to preform!" The toddler exclaimed.

Allison took her hand. "We still have a couple of hours until we go on. Do you want to do any practice?"

"I'm already ready. Can't we go on now?"

"But Tabitha, if we go to the practice room, you could practice with other real life ballerinas."


"Of course. This is a contest for ballerinas after all."

"Lets go practice."

Allison had been to the facility before, mostly for gymnastic competitions, and she knew the dance practice room was tucked away in the corner. Even so, the entire area was one of bustling chaos, with tutus and ribbons  pushing past each other as they fought for the space to prepare their routine. There was noise and chaos all around the hallway, and every step had Tabitha cowering closer to her leg. Both of them knew that if someone stepped on her fake foot, her prosthetic leg  had the potential to pop off and leave her stumbling around on one leg.

"Do you want a ride?" Allison offered. She always asked Tabitha before helping her.

"Yes please."

Allison lifted Tabitha so she balanced on her shoulders, and continued through the crowd. The practice room was the center of the chaos, with countless people gathered around. It had gotten to the point that there was a man at the door, checking credentials before letting anyone in. Luckily, Allison had come prepared.

"Do you have a competition ID?" The man at the door asked. He looked her up and down somewhat skeptically, no doubt taking not of her sweatpants and sneakers.

From under her jacket, Allison pulled a wad of lanyards, each with a plastic card on the end. The first one she found said "COACH" in block letters, with the United Ballet Association logo in the background. She held it up to the doorman.

"Its getting full in here, so we aren't letting coaches in at the moment. The participant can go in if she has her ID."

Allison nodded and untangled another card from around her neck. "Here's her card."

The doorman nodded. "Alright. She's in."

"And here's mine." She said untangling another strand from around her neck.

The doorman looked skeptical. "You're a coach and a participant? Is that allowed?"

Subtly, so Tabitha wouldn't notice, Allison showed the doorman her other two lanyards. As he read the name of the foundation off the card, he glanced up at Tabitha. Her bald head and prosthetic leg confirmed the suspicions he already had, and he let the pair into the room without another question.

It was significantly less crowded in the room, but there were still plenty of people, usually moving in complex patterns and rhythms that made them difficult to avoid. Allison let Tabitha off her shoulders to explore the room.

"Everyone dances so well." Tabitha said, eyes wide.

As she noticed the dancers, they began to notice her. She had blended in well in the crowded hallway, but She was the youngest one in the practice room, and the only one with dark skin. She was gaining attention by the second.

"Can I try the bar?" Tabitha asked, featuring to a free space along the wall. She had never been in a real ballet training room before, and she was oblivious to the stares of the other dancers.

"Of course."

Allison watched as she ran over, and for a moment observed her attempts to use the equipment correctly. Once she was certain she wouldn't hurt herself, Allison observed the other dancers in the room. Many were tall, and all were intimidating, with tight clothes and tighter hairdos. If Tabitha hadn't demanded for Allison to preform alongside her, she would have been able to perform yesterday with the other kids her age, but as it was, many of the girls in front of them would be their competition.

One such girl dared to approach Allison. "So what's the deal with you two?"

Allison smiled, trying to emulate the others in the room. "Nothing at all. We're just dancers, like you."

She waited for a snarky remark about the sweatpants or the metal leg or even the bald head. But instead, the girl smiled, and she seemed to be serious.

"Well she's adorable. Do you care if I go help her with the warm up?"

"By all means. Be sure to mention you're a ballerina, that'll make her love you."

Allison couldn't hear what she said to Tabitha but she was almost immediately wrapped up in a hug, so it seemed likely that she had followed the advice. It was good to see that even if they didn't do well, Tabitha would have some fun today.

Tabitha seemed to be alright alone, so Allison took a moment to run through some gymnastic stretches. Just because she had taken the day off didn't mean that she could neglect her practice completely.

Doing her stretches, Allison looked almost like she was a dancer. A lot of the same basic stretches were good for both sports and she was just as flexible as the other girls in the room. If she had any sort of rhythm, she might have had a chance as a dancer herself.

"They're making last calls for solo dancers out there!" The doorman called.

Allison watched as a few of the girls trickled out, including the one who had been talking to Tabitha. In response to the absence of her new friend, Tabitha returned to Allison.

"Are you going to put on a tutu?"

Allison sighed. "Do I have to?"

"Every ballerina needs a tutu."

Allison shook her head, but she was still smiling. "Alright."

She took Tabithas hand and led her to the door.

"Lets do this."

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