Chapter 16

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Allison was still waiting to figure out how to get to her first tournament, and it was only a few hours until it began. She had gotten so caught up in hiding her sports change from her parent that she hadn't thought of the possible benefits of them knowing, including a ride from her part time charity gig to a amateur ballet tournament across town.

"Please Sadie, it's only like an extra few miles?" she begged.

"I'm sorry Allison, but I promised Bradley I'd take him to that park on Main, and you know I can't go back on that." The girl apologized, gesturing to the toddler sized boy she was holding hands with.

"Well do you know anyone else who can give me a ride?"

Sadie thought for a second. "I don't know...that kid with the wierd hat might have a car."

"Right...Liam or something?"

"Luke I think."

"Great, I'll talk to him."

Allison took half a minute to look around the church gym. She would have guessed the hat would have stood out, but she couldn't see anyone familiar over the heads of taller teens. If she wasn't in such a rush, she would have walked around the gym to fin him, but she was un somewhat of a hurry, and needed his attention now.

"Luke!" she called out.

No one listened. The gym was filled with children and teens with little supervision and no reason to be quiet. Her voice didn't carry enough weight to make a real difference, let alone actually get someone's attention.

With few other options, she did a flip where she stood. This gathered some attention, and those who saw started encouraging other's to watch as she continued a few gymnastics moves. Within thirty seconds she had a fair sized crowd, and within a minute she had the attention of the boy with the wierd hat.

"Luke!" she repeated, halting her flips.

The boy tipped his hat like a gentleman in an old fashioned movie. "At your service."

"Do you have a car...I really need a ride across town."

He blinked a couple of times, but all eyes were on him and Allison knew there was no way he would risk embarrassment by saying no. Of course, she wouldn't have guessed anyone would risk embarrassment by wearing an outfit as eccentric as his either.

"I, uh...yeah, I do have a car." he nodded.

"Could I please get a ride?" she begged.

He still seemed somewhat startled, but the boy--Liam? Luke? Larry?--nodded. "Meet me out front in like five minutes?"

Allison was there in two.

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