Chapter 11

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After her surgery, Anastasia could have skipped school for the rest of the day, but she found herself back in the building anyways, hobbling between classes on a pair of old crutches and a brand new cast.

She told herself that she just wanted to go, that there was no specific reason she had chosen to come back.

The real reason had roused hair and an absurd hat.

For the past two days, she had seen Luke in the hallway a number of times, and each time he had tipped his hat at her. She had no idea how he got away with wearing it during school, but the worn out cap had become somewhat endearing in her mind, and there was something about his eyes that made Anastasia just melt.

She smiled at the mere thought.

"Hey, Ani,  I heard about your fall." Said some girl she had never seen. "That looks tough."

Anastasia want to explain just how tough it was, but instead she ignored the girl and scanned the hallway for Luke.

Not that she was desperate to see him or anything. It just might be nice to talk to him.

"Were we ever going to talk about the ankle?"

When Anastasia turned to the voice, it wasn't Luke as she had so desperately hoped, but her brother, a giant of a freshman who she did her best to ignore.

"Its healing. No problem." Anastasia regretting stopping to speak with him already, and continued her walk towards History class.

"What about your dumb twirly stuff? Can you still do that?"

Anastasia picked up the pace. "I have it all figured out."

Her brother huffed. "I was just trying to be nice."

He stormed off, and Anastasia was so glad to see him go that she almost didn't notice Luke falling into step beside her.

"Morning Anastasia," he tipped his hat. "Nice to see you on your feet again."

Now Anastasia slowed. She told herself the crutches tired her out, and that Luke had short legs anyways.

"Nice to see you too."  She wished she could say something about his arm, but it seemed to be in the same position as the other day.

"I would offer to take your bag, but honestly, my arm is exhausted. Rain check?"

Anastasia didn't know if it was his honesty or the thought if seeing Luke again, but she smiled.

"Yeah," she agreed. "Rain check."

"So where are we headed?"

Anastasia raised an eyebrow. "You're coming with me?"

"Well I couldn't carry your bag, so as a gentleman, my next option is to walk you to class. So which class will it be, Madame?"

She thought about telling him it was unnecessary, but she secretly liked the idea of being walked to class. Even if it was by a guy an inch shorter than her.

"History. With Mr. Jacobson."

"That's right around the corner, right?"

"Yeah." Anastasia admitted, unhappy that her walk with Luke was coming to a close.

"Well I wish you the best of luck." He said as they turned the corner.

He was weird, there was no doubt about that.

"Thanks." Anastasia lingered outside the class doorway. She didn't know what she was waiting for.

Luke lingered as well, saying nothing, and not even looking at her.

"What are you still doing here?" She asked, somewhat annoyed he wasn't paying her attention. "Don't you have to get to class?"

He shook his head as if to regain his thoughts, and something about the want he smiled made all her annoyance disappear.

"I was just trying to figure out an injury friendly version of asking you to go to the park with me."

She raised an eyebrow.  "The park?"

"I've always thought it would be an excellent spot for a first date."

Anastasia's mouth suddenly felt dry. Was he saying what she thought he was saying?

"Are you asking me on a date?"

He looked up at her, his face tinged a bit pink. It was sweet.

"I guess I kind of was."

Anastasia glanced at her watch. The late bell would ring in mere moments, and she couldn't exactly afford another tardy on her record.

"I'll meet you in Washington park, by the statue. Tomorrow at noon. Dress up."

Anastasia turned and left him in the dust, but she couldn't wipe the smile off of her face.

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