Chapter 2. Coming Out to the World

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The Chitauri certainly had a knack for destroying everything they touch. She’s just glad that most of the citizens made it out of the city. She could release her full power, without having to worry about accidentally hurting someone.

            These aliens are nasty creatures, she thought. She slashed one Chitauri's head, ducked to avoid another one that launched at her, and stabbed it on the stomach. Her countless trainings seemed to be of use right now.  

            She had killed dozens of these things, probably getting to a hundred. It did the job, she stopped them from leaking out of the city. She knew the Avengers couldn’t handle all of them by themselves. She threw her sword at one last Chitauri across her. The sword pierced through its head, and it fell down lifeless.

            She relaxed her body, taking a deep breath. She approached the dead Chitauri, pulled her sword out, wiping the nasty blood off its surface on the dead alien's skin. Then she heard some rumble coming from miles away. She turned her head towards it and saw between the buildings, that Hulk was pushing back the Leviathan but it seemed like he was the one getting pushed. Behind them, three more Leviathans followed, roaring with wrath.

            She jumped, spreading her wings and flew up to see where the Leviathans were going. They were coming to the Avengers, which no doubt would have a hard time killing those giant worms.

Well... she guessed it’s finally time to officially meet the Avengers.

She flew past them and positioned herself between the Leviathans and the heroes. She would’ve said hi first, but there’s no time.

She pointed a sword to a Leviathan coming at them, and from that sword, a yellow, bright light shot out and stroke its body. That light sprode through its body, like electricity, and seemed to cause a major injury for that huge, monstrous leech, as it fell and wriggled on the ground. She did the same thing to the other Leviathan, taking it down.

“Hi,” she spoke without turning around, sword still pointing towards the now dead Leviathan. She sheathed her sword, then faced the Avengers to introduce herself.

“Excuse me, lady, please identify yourself,” Stark pointed his repulsor beams toward her just as she opened her mouth to tell them her name. “Are you from another alien race? What do you want?”

“Relax, Stark, she just saved us,” Steve pulled the suit’s arm down. “I am sorry, Ma’am, he’s just paranoid.”

Stark grumbled beneath his breath.

“Just so you know, I helped fight these aliens since they landed. I’m on your side,” she said with annoyance. “And, no, Mr. Stark, I am certainly NOT one of the aliens.”

“How do you know my name?”

“Then who are you? How can you do that.. that..” Clint failed to find the word and instead waving his arms in circles.

“I’ll explain later. Now, we must close that portal down.” She looked up to the sky with concern.

Right then, series of lightning stroke the portal, forcing aliens which about to come out to go back in. The portal slowly closed, from a giant hole to a small opening to nothing at all. It had completely gone. The Avengers didn't have any energy left to cheer- they just chuckled and sighed in relief.

Thor flew down with his hammer and landed on the ground a little too harshly. The ground cracked beneath him, which he didn’t seem to care at all.

“Everything okay down here?”

“Yeah, we’ve got it all handled,” Natasha mumbled.

“Where’s Loki?” Stark barked.

“At the tower, unconscious. The green guy beat the hell out of him,” Thor pressed his lips together.

“Let’s go. We can’t let him escape,” Steve put his shield on his back, but suddenly stopped. He looked at the new girl with contemplation. “You’re coming with us.”

“Who’s she?” Thor asked, admiring her wings.

“New girl on the block.” Stark looked at her under his mask, partly suspicious, partly curious. “Now, Clint and Natasha, get on the Chitauri rides. Let’s meet the troublemaker.”

On the tower, Loki, in his green suit, lay on the piles of the smashed ground. Hulk sat beside him on guard. They surrounded the beaten man, and just then, his consciousness resurfaced. The Avengers raised their weapons, threatening him to stay down. The guy raised both of his hands as a gesture of surrender.

"If it's all the same to you," he raised both hands and grinned, "I'll have that drink now."

He dare to grin? After all the lives lost and damages done because of him? She had to restrain herself not to punch him in the gut.

They handcuffed him, and to the girl’s surprise, they handcuffed her too.

“Is this your way to thank your savior?” she hissed.

“Sorry, but until we know for certain that you mean us no harm, we have to follow the ‘safety’ procedure,” said Stark. “Now, get in the van!”

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