chapter 11~ you are the one for me

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He's lips were so close to mine I wanted so badly to let it happen, to feel how his lips taste, I wonder if it'll be as gross as my first kiss which by the way was an awful first kiss and l really regret it

he was so close that our lips brushed together and that one close encounter had me raging for more but me being me I pulled away

'No!! Why did you pull away?' shaylo whined

He sighed when he realized that l had moved

"I'm s-sorry l um hear my phone ringing u-upstairs its probably my uh mom!" And then I ran away like the coward that I am I didn't even give him time to reply
I ran upstairs into my room and closed the door

l plopped down on my bed I realized that he must have known that I was lying he has super hearing

I smacked my forehead "stupid stupid stupid" I muttered then quickly cover my mouth with my hands oh my god he must've heard that too

Shaylo laughs

Don't laugh at me like you could do better I rolled my eyes, I don't even want to kiss him remember

'I would do so much better' she answered

I laughed sure you can

I got up to open the door but it wasn't me who was doing it

Shayla give me back my body!

'No, I'm gonna do with you can't do'

Shayla please no stop

I fought her for my body but damn she was strong

And before I knew it we were standing in front of allassandro who was just about to knock

He was about to say something when shayla beat him to it

"Hi I'm shayla"

Then she went up to him and was so close to kissing him but I fought her I was gaining back my control

'Aw man that was so close'

I immediately pulled myself back

"I-l'm sorry, that wasn't me that was.. "

"Shayla" He finished with a smirk

"A party was planned originally to find my mate but I already found her so instead they want it to be your revealing party, they also wanted to meet you tomorrow"
My eyes widen

"Will you come to the pack house with me tomorrow?"

"I uh have school tomorrow"
I lied I wasn't gonna go

"You're lying" He said looking straight in my eyes " I knew you were gonna stay home"

"No I'm no.. Okay"

"So are you gonna come with me?"

I sighed how do I get out of this

"Allassandro" I said "I don't think your pack will like me as your mate, maybe you should just reject me and ask the moon goddess for a better mate, someone that fits your status, someone who you won't be ashamed to bring in front of your pack, A beautiful girl that every guy will envy you for... I'm not the right person for this l won't be a good luna to the pack you need someone that's strong and I'm not" I half mumbled

I turned away so that I could go back into my room he quickly held on to my hand turning me around then smashes his lips against mine

Sparks, something that l have never felt before, it was like his lips were giving me life and I clung to them taking as much as l could in that moment I thought if I pulled back I'd die, I wanted to stay like this forever
his lips tickled mine and I felt a bit of heat rising in the pit of my stomach, this wasn't anything like my first kiss his tongue poked at my bottom lip for entrance and I gave it to him, he caresses my tongue with his taking his sweet time to devour my mouth, right then and there I would've given him anything

He pulled back looking deep into my eyes
"You are the one for me, I already have my beautiful Luna standing here why would l need another, and why would l be ashamed to bring you before my pack if anything I'd be honoured to let everyone see you, once they get to know you everyone will adore and love you trust me and you don't need to meet them tomorrow maybe some other time then if you're this nervous" He said before he pecked my lips one last time
I didn't say anything because in truth I had nothing to say I was speechless

'Oh my god!!!! I think I love him' shayla shouted

His phone rang and he excused himself leaving me alone with my thoughts or in this case shayla

'That was amazing, please do it again'



Uh um what

"I got to go ruby" Allassandro said coming back towards me "Urgent pack meeting I'm sorry but I'll see you tomorrow" He said then gave me one last kiss before he left

I was still standing there I couldn't move I stood there for several minutes just replaying that kiss over and over again

My phone rang and I went to go get it

Me: hello

Devin: ruby you're staying home tomorrow we have some planning to do

Me: planning? For what?

Devin: the party duh

Me: oh I'm uh not going

Devin: yes you are

Me: and I can't stay home tomorrow I have something l need to do

Devin: okay how about I spend the night tomorrow

Me: okay

Devin: later bestie love yah

Me: later love u too

I collapsed on the bed my mind drifting off to that kiss once again
I touched my lips thinking that his beautiful soft ones were there kissing mine just a few minutes ago, it felt so unreal maybe I imagined all of that or was I dreaming and if I was I never wanna wake up

First kissing scene omg!!!let me know what you think about my kissing scene, remember to vote and share bye😘

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