chapter 18~ l wish that l could have this moment for life

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Ruby's pov

"Why did you leave ruby" my question was met with question of his

"Allassandro please just go, I'm tired and l need to rest" I kept the tears back that was threatening to fall

"Tell me why did you leave, is it because of what elena said because if that's it then you must know that I .." Oh so that's middle age Blondie's name

"Allassandro she was right" I cut him off

"No she wasn't ruby please don't do this" he begged

"Why are you here didn't you agree with her"


"I heard you say she was right, I didn't wanna hear anymore so I ran away" at this point I couldn't hold back my tears anymore

"You didn't hear everything I said I didn't agree with her ruby you have to believe please don't do this I can't lose someone else that I love"

Love? He loves me?

What? I don't understand

He threw his arms around me and I didn't have the strength to pull back so instead I just hugged him back his arms tightened around me as if I'd push him away

I didn't want to be away from him anymore it was physically amf emotionally impossible so I believed him

I threw away all those thoughts that l had inside my head about never being loved

"you're my mate, my luna and l will never reject you" he said and for once I actually believed him

My head started to hurt, pain erupted all over my body

What's happening?

My bones were re-arranging

"Ahhhhhh" I screamed and fell to the floor immediately he was at my side

"Ruby what's wrong!" He panicked

"I don't kn- ahhhhh he hurts make it stop"

Hair started coming out from my pores

"You're changing" he said "it shouldn't hurt haven't you changed before?"

"No..ahhhhhhh!!!!!" He held me

"Its gonna be okay just don't fight it"

My face started rearranging into that of a wolf
"shiiiiiii ahhhh"

"Don't fight it ruby it'll be over soon I promise" he kissed my forehead

I tried my best not to fight it but it hurt and l kept screaming

I closed my eyes

"It'll be okay baby girl"

he whispered sweet nothings in me ear

Then suddenly all the pain stopped and I opened my eyes I tried getting up but I couldn't, l stood on all fours

I looked up and allassandro stared at me with awe

"You're beautiful shayla"

She wagged her tail and hung her tongue out I can't control any of the movements so I left it up to her

Shayla jumped and landed on allassandro, licking his face

He laughed and rubbed her fur


'Mhm? What?'

I wanna see how you look go into the closet so I could see you in the mirror

'But I don't wanna move' she whined



She got off and went into the closet to stand in front the mirror leaving allassadro behind

I looked in the mirror


I saw a light grey wolf with dark spots on her tail just like she described

Her fur was so fluffy I wanted to pet her but I think that might be impossible

'Can we go now' she proceeded to whine

I rolled my eyes


She turned around and sprinted back into the room launching on a seated allassandro on my bed

"wanna go for a run together" he grinned

And shayla nodded

she got off and he stood up taking off his clothes

Turn around I shouted at shayla

"But whyyyy"

Just do it

'I don't want too, let me seee'

Shayla please


She listened and turned around

A second later I heard bones cracking

When the noise stopped shayla turned

we saw a huge black wolf looking at us

'He's so handsome' she squealed

Yeah I agreed with her

He nudged us signaling her to follow him

But what he did next I would've never done if I was in control he jumped out the Freaking window

my window wasn't that far away from the ground but what can I say I'm a coward shayla followed right after him and jumped not having a care in the world

She sprinted to the woods following allassandro

I felt free

the wind smashing on my face I felt like I was flying

I wanna stay in the woods forever

We stopped at a lake and drank some water which if I had control I'd never do
I don't know what bacteria this water holds!

A force from behind us pushed us into the water when we re-survest allassandro stood at the very end where we were

Shayla slowly walked out of the water then ran towards a running black wolf

you can't catch him shayla he's too fast

'You're right'

She made an abrupt stop and started whimpering

What is she doing

Realization hit me

you sneaky little wolf l said and she laughed

in no time Ian was beside us nudging us with his nose and as if that's her cue she launched at him rubbing her fur all over him transferring as much water as she could

Then ran into the direction he was heading

Before we knew he had caught up to us and tackled us on to the ground playfully nipping at her ear

I was at peace

l wish that I could have this moment for life

who knows when we'll be able to just be like this again

We layed there and cuddled each other for what seems like hours
I didn't even know that the day had passed and it was now night

He stood up and shayla followed

its time to go

when I got home my mom was on the sofa waiting for me

"Go change and let's talk" she pointed upstairs

Its time to tell her about allassandro I thought ...

Another chapter😱 I'm on fire

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