chapter 14~truth ceremony

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Allassandro's pov

I walked into the main all where everyone was located there was whispering all around some asking why they have been summoned

"Silence" my fathers voice rang through out the hall making everyone halt what they were doing
"We are gathered here to perform a truth ceremony" his hand folded behind his back taking a stance of authority

I could see the change in everyones expression mostly fear that their deepest darkest secrets would come to light

"My son, allassandro, your soon to be alpha will be helping out so this will be over quickly, women first, two lines I'll be going through one while my son will go through the other, let's begin"

Women starting lining up
first in my line was a older lady looks around the age of 35 blonde curly hair with
blue eyes she looked very nervous
"Have you committed, thought of or witnessed any sort of unforgivable crimes in our pack" I said firmly in my alpha voice

Instantly all trace of nervousness was gone and she looked at me with a straight face, it was as if she was possessed

"I had an affair with my neighbors husband, I wanted it to stop but the sex was so good I couldn't say no"
And it begins

Immediately after saying that she snapped out of her trance and starting crying "I didn't mean to I-I"
"Dismissed " I cut her off before she could say anything else
She ran to the back off the room

Next in line stood a girl who attends my school

"Have you commit.."
A slap was heard from across the room, I looked to see what was happening and I saw a woman had slapped a man
"How could you!!" She said with tears in her eyes "you cheated on me with our neighbor!! How could you!!"

"This is no time for that, lets get this over with" my father bellowed

I looked back at the girl and she looks sad she kept playing with her fingers

"Have you committed, thought of or witnessed any sort of unforgivable crimes in our pack"

The same thing with the older woman happened
"I thought about stealing the alpha's ring" she began and every one gasped "so that I might be sentenced to death I wanted death for a long time but I couldn't bring myself to do it" she looked down and a stray tear fell from her eyes

Why would she want to just throw away her life
I should've dismissed her there but I wanted to know why
"Why do you want to die? Why do you crave death so bad that you'd do something like stealing the alpha's ring just to achieve it"
I said with concern in my voice

"I can't do this anymore I'm tired of people picking on me and telling me that I'm useless my parent's hated me that's why they left and I don't blame them I would've left me too I'm worthless, weak and ugly no one wants me around I constantly get picked on at school and even in the pack, they told me that my mate will see how worthless and ugly I am and leave just like my parents" she fell to the floor with tears running freely from her eyes

My heart broke from seeing her like that I can't possibly imagine what she has gone through

I stooped down

"Hey listen to me" I held up her chin so she was looking at me "you are not worthless, your parents didn't leave because they hate you and I'm sure when you find your mate he will love and adore you so don't listen to anything those loser at school have to say because you're beautiful, I'll deal with all those who said those hurtful words to you in the pack I'll make sure that they are dealt with properly" I helped her to stand and immediately she hugged me I wasn't expecting a hug so it took me by surprise

"Thank you" she whisper then pulled back she walked to the back of the room with her head down, when I finally took in my surrounding everyone was looking at me even my father

"Let's continue" I clear my throat

This went on for 6 hours straight and I was itching to get out of here

It was time for the men to line up all of the women now stood to the back and men were starting to line up at the front the main hall was big but our pack made it look small there was barely any space to stand

My father and I began but there was still no luck no one has confessed to helping the traitor dean and Joshua was next in line Joshua had a big smile on his face while dean had this irritated looked on his face

"Have you committed, thought of or witnessed any sort of unforgivable crimes in our pack"

Joshua instantly sobered up

"last week I used the girls bathroom because it smelled much nicer than the boys bathroom"
Everyone laughed and I gave them a look that silenced them

It was deans turn
"Have you committed, thought of or witnessed any sort of unforgivable crimes in our pack" I asked in alpha voice

"I planned on looking for the person who killed my sister and exact my revenge if its the last thing I do"

Joshua's sister died 3 years ago they were really close ever since his sister died he became really miserably and talk less he was too young so he was told not to get involved but now I think he's capable of looking for his sister's murderer

5 hours later we were done with all the men and none had confessed to helping a stranger in and out of our packs

I don't get it why didn't anyone confess...unless the traitor isn't here

My dad mind linked me 'maybe there's no traitor in our pack and we did this truth ceremony for nothing'

'Don't give up so fast Let's check to see if every pack member is here first'

When we finished checking there was indeed a pack member missing Johnny alfredo

Father decided to send out a search team

We caught up with his scent and followed it he was almost out of pack territory when we caught him

We brought him to the torture room to find out why he was on the run and if he had been the one to help someone sneak into our pack but before we could start questioning him he used his claws to slit his own throat....

I'm sorry this chapter wasn't all that interesting but I promise to make the next one better

Remember to



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