chapter 4

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*Naruto P.O.V*

As I was walking home I felt happy that I actually played with people who cared. I felt safe and warm with Shikamaru, Sakura-chan, and Hinata. I had my first friends, and that thought clouded my thoughts. 

I was happily walking until some kids saw me and yelled at me. I didn't fight back at all. I didn't want to give in to them, I also didn't want Sakura-chan to leave me once she saw me fighting them.

Once they were done I ran home, I felt bruises forming on my skin. I was really tired and laid down thinking. Thinking about my dream and the future. My dream was to become Hokage so that everyone will love dattebayo. 

 I am so excited to start training to become a ninja. I can't wait till Sakura-chan sees me doing my ninja moves, maybe she'll fall in love with me. I blushed at the thought, better go make some more ramen for myself.

*Sakura P.O.V*

I was walking home thinking to myself. Today I had made progress, this future would definitely be different. It has already become different than before, I have my friends and people I cared about... 

The only thing was, I missed Ino-pig. She was one of the peopled I missed the most. Even though we fought a lot she was the one I trusted the most. She was always there for me, and I want to make sure that I'm there for her too. This time for sure, I thought, clenching my fist. 

First, I need to act like one of Sasuke-kun fan-girls but I'll still pay attention to Naruto and our friends. Next, I need to just stop all the things that lead up to the war . The training to become a ninja starts next week so we'll have to wait for a week to see her. 

Oww so much for planing I said to myself while holding my forehead, I had managed to hit myself with a pole. Some kids came up and started to tease me. It had worked out perfectly and I didn't even plan it. 

 As I started to fake cry and cover my forehead Ino came. She had shooed away the kids who were making fun of me and smiled, "You know covering it up makes it bigger come here again tomorrow ok " I just nodded and she left. I got up and left home happy with who I might befriend.

~Next Day~ (still Sakura P.O.V)

I came back and she was there waiting. She told me to bend down which I did and she put a nice red ribbon in my hair. Once she put it on I felt like crying but didn't I remember this day so clearly.

 She just waved and said "Sorry I have to go let's meet here again tomorrow okay" then she stopped and asked for my name. I replied with "Sakura" then she said hers "Ino nice to meet you Sakura and bye" and she just waved and ran off.  

I was happy that I made friends now I just had to make a plan on how to stop Orochimaru from biting Sasuke. I needed to really think about this if I made a small error it could possibly make the future worst. I laughed bitterly, what could be worse than before.

What if I were to secretly train so when chunin exams came we would be able to protect them, that would probably the most tactical idea. Plus when I asked Tsunade to train me, I would be able to get to my normal level fast.

So I went shopping and bought my ninja outfit (the one from Shippuden) from before and went to get weapons (Kunais, Shurikens, a small pouch of senbons and a small sword) after I was done shopping I went home to meditate and expand my chakra capacity. 

After I finish I took a long shower to wash off all the dirt and sweat I had to myself. I then dried myself and put on PJs that had pink hearts on them and put all my things away.

I really needed to get a new wardrobe, all this pink is making head hurt, I thought. I sweatdropped as I got out of the bathroom and saw the whole room pink, might as well get a new room too.


I hope you guys like the story so far this was short cause I was in a hurry but I really hope that you enjoy it and like comment and vote. Also, leave suggestions if you have them. I will try to include them.

ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ peace🌸

Edited: May 5, 2020

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