Chapter 13

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*Sasuke P.O.V*

It was lunch already and I once again tried to approach sakura when I was swarmed with fangirls.

Ino one of the most annoying fangirls was clinging onto me and it made me feel so disgusted that i pushed her off and gave her a death glare. I scowled "don't touch me ever again you got it" she just whimpered , got up and ran.

i decided to just sit at a nearby tree and look at Sakura from the distance. She looked so happy to be here. She was smiling so beautiful and was grinning. She was sitting with dobe, lazy ass, Hinata, Kiba,and choji.

They were all laughing and playing around. Sakura looked so beautiful to wither her hair shoulder length. She looked so happy and at peace with her friends. If only she knew how much she made me happy even if I'm just looking at her.

*Ino P.O.V*

I was running trying to get close to my Sasuke-kun when I finally was able to hold him. I was so happy until he pushed me off and scowled at me "Don't touch, e ever again you got it"I got really scared that I ran off with tears in my eyes.

My Sasuke-kun glared at me and I just couldn't help but get mad, why didn't he like me? I was pretty, smart, popular, and strong. Why didn't he like me? I decided to try and find out why he didn't I saw him sitting down a shady tree.

I stared at the direction he was looking at and the first person I saw was that Sakura, the person I had helped with her forehead.

I was pretty mad and decided I wouldn't be friends with her. I walked over to her and interrupted her talking with her friends and said"Fight me" I was determined to prove to Sasuke-kun that I was better than her.

Once he sees Sakura lose he'll like me I thought. Sakura studied me for a second until she shrugged and got into a fighting pose. I did the same. I couldn't wait to show Sasuke-kun that I was better than Sakura.

*Sakura P.O.V*

I was talking to my friends when out of nowhere ino decides to interrupt our conversation and says "Fight me" I studied her and then remember that she still likes Sasuke-kun.

I study her, I could see she really wanted to win to prove to Sasuke-kun that she was better. I just shrugged and got into a fighting pose. She did the same. I really wanted this to end so I just puched her with a bit of chakra and she already fainted.

I knew she was later going to end our friendship because, she like Sasuke-kun, I knew this cause that's what I did and I have always regretted it. I let a boy get between our friendship but I knew it was for the best.

Once she fainted I walked back to the table I was sitting at and went back to talking to my friends. I knew everyone was looking at me but I tried to ignore it and kept talking to my friends. They were ok with me cause they trained with me so they knew how strong i was.

Once the bell rang I sat next to Naruto-kun and Shika-kun in the classroom and zoned out. Once school ended I was excited cause they would
choose or teams in two weeks and I knew who would be my teammates.

I knew that some scary things were going to happen once I was in my teams and that's when I dozed off to take a nice nap.


Guess who is back. its me. Im so sorry for the delays i was really interested into Percy Jackson and now i love him and Annabeth! PERCEBETH FOREVER!!!! Im sorry for taking so long though and be on the look out for a Percy Jackson book soon im start drafting it so it going to come out soon. Also please dont be angry with me i'll try to post daily. Also I just read my story and saw many mistakes i will be fixing them so it will be less confusing. ok make sure to like, comment, and vote!!

ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ peace🌸

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