The Monster

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A/N: Wow, thank you so much for the replies I've been getting to the first chapter! I am so excited that ya'll are interested, and I hope ya'll can push through this one as I know it will probably not be as well received as the first, but it is necessary I feel, so you're getting it anyway. That being said, I will release the next chapter early to make up for it though I won't tell you when. If you don't like these chapters, don't worry, this is only one of three and I do not plan for anymore than three. As for what they are- They are flashbacks to the femOC's past hence why they are necessary and they will tie in further into the story. Anyway, please let me know what you think below! Enjoy :)

(Year 1539 of the Swan, The Sunlit Kingdom, Roven. Ruled by King Thairn IV.)

Ten year old Cassia Grace dashed through familiar golden halls in a rush of sky blue skirts- the halls of her dear Papa's palace, a place that would one day be hers to roam completely in full as opposed to the tiny portion she had been allotted to grow within.

It was important that she live separate from others, her mother had told her. Bad Nichtkin would hurt her if they knew about her and though Cassia knew Ram would always protect her- her assigned guardian was almost a brother to her and though he was as silent as she was she knew he would never let her down in any way.

Even now he walked behind her in long sharp strides, careful to stay within reach to pull her away to safety if needed.

She flashed him a wide grin, her innocent cool blue gaze beaming at him as he trailed her in full military regalia, his mask shielding his features from view- features she had never once seen.

He had surrendered his soul to the spirit of the Ram for strength Didyme had told her when her maid introduced Cassia to Ram on the eve of her fifth birthday, five years ago yesterday.

She turned back to her path and after a few sharp turns arrived at the plain oak bark doors to her Papa's office. She felt Ram cast out his senses behind her and when he clasped her shoulder to signal that all was right she entered, leaving him to stand guard at the door as she slid through the billowing gold silk curtains to see her mother speaking with Papa in hushed but strained tones.

Her mother stood tall and slim, her icy white hair falling to her waist in pin straight fashion, her equally pale skin covered in swirling navy and silver tattoos- marks of her status as heir to the Winter Kingdom by bloodright. Cassia would one day inherit the markings as well if she was chosen by the Goddess to be heir when her mother took the throne.

"Thairn, you know as well as I that we are in danger now that Mother has discovered Cassia's power."

Her mother's arms were crossed and her fingers rubbed deep into the flesh of her forearms through the dainty lace long sleeves that ended in points atop her wrists- the fashion for high born females to don themselves with beautiful laces and soft silks of their homeland's colors. Her mother wore baby blue today and never once had Cassia spotted her in any color that the Sunlit citizens would wear- oranges, reds, and browns.

Papa sighed, "What would you have me do, Kiera? I have troubles of my own to deal with- the Veil cracks on the Western Front. I love Cassia as my own, but I have a kingdom to govern."

Thairn on the other hand was decorated in the royal regalia of the Sunlit Kingdom- marking him as the King to the Kingdom's residents. His golden hair fell to hang just barely over strong shoulders, his uniform a rich autumn red, gold medals and cords aligned perfectly straight and perfectly even on his chest and shoulders and though Cassia had always thought it must be uncomfortable to wear such things, Thairn wore them well and with the grace befitting his position.

Kiera frowned and glanced away, "I suspect the emergence of her power is only a signal for more to come."

Though her mother often frowned, no lines or creases had even appeared on her face- whether to mark her age or the trials she had undergone in life. Her sharp, unyielding features were drawn in agitation- a common expression on her perfect features.

Though her mother was just as beautiful as any high born lady, or any vampire female for that matter, Cassia had always been grateful she had inherited her father's aristocratic features- the ones she had often seen painted in the hall of portraits, his expression never without some sort of grin or smirk or bold smile.

Thairn looked up and dropped his pen, his eyes very slightly widening in apprehension. "You don't mean?"

Kiera's narrowed eyes cut like the sharpest of blades, "Yes."

She glanced away after a drawn out silent moment, "Cassia, come out, my love."

Cassia blushed and slid out of the door's shadows, abashed at having been caught eavesdropping, though it was likely Thairn had known she was there from the beginning. Her mother most likely hadn't- she rarely cast out her senses and Cassia would have sensed it if she had- her mother wasn't light with the touch of her mind, usually casting without a care for the feeling she brought up in the minds of others.

Ice cracking underfoot, winter wind's chilling Cassia's skin with bitter cold.

"You have been training with Didyme, yes?" Kiera demanded and Cassia nodded.

Kiera sighed, "Prove it, use your mind to tell me so."

Cassia swallowed and focused her mind, stretching out her senses and extending herself as far as she could, sensing the whole of the Eastern corridor of the palace. Out of the corner of her eyes she spotted her Papa smile on at her in encouragement but she dare not look away from Kiera as she focused on projecting her thoughts.

Mama. She began and Kiera smiled, "More."

Cassia grinned- she loved to make her mother smile- the thin lipped smile would always brighten her day and leave her with a sense of accomplisment- her mother was not easy to impress.

Hen tried to hunt today. I knocked him on his butt.

Kiera frowned, displeased that she had been playing with Didyme's son, but Thairn chuckled at his desk in amusement, "Good girl."

Kiera finally glanced away from her daughter and Cassia rushed to her Papa, hopping into his warm arms and beaming. But her vision began to darken and she yawned once before falling asleep, knowing her Papa had eased her into it.

Thairn sighed and turned to Kiera, "We have kept her isolated, but I don't think we can continue this for much longer, Kiera."

"I know," She breathed, crossing her arms, "It is only a matter of time until she is discovered. Until we are attacked."

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