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A/N: I suck at schedules, I'm sorry I'm not even going to try anymore. You'll get a chapter when I write it from now on. Anyway, thank you so much to those of ya'll who have replied to this story I love getting the email notifications that one of ya'll has faved or followed or reviewed- it really makes my day and I want ya'll to know that I see it and I really appreciate it! :)

Cassia bolted through the halls as soon as the lights flew back on, gone from the room within seconds, her heart clenching painfully in her chest, tears brimming in her eyes from the pain.

A small whimper escaped her- her throat burned with thirst and her limbs trembled with need as stress weighed down each and every step she took.

She needed... she needed him.

Where was he?

Who had those people been?

She had caught flashes of their faces- much to brief to make them more than a blur in her memory. She had not taken a moment to glance at them before she ran and she worried her lip under razor sharp teeth as she flew through her thoughts.

What if he had been with them?

She stopped for a moment and blew out a raspy breath, focusing her thoughts with difficulty as she searched for him using the bond.

She blinked.

He is here.

She stumbled to her knees as her thirst overcame her and she felt tears run down her cheeks in pain and stress. Falling to the floor, she curled back up, her form quivering as hunger pains raced through her, her canines lengthening beneath her lips as they began to ache hollowly with need.

She faintly heard footsteps running her way from the opposite end of the long hallway.

"Buck, I found her!"

The voice was masculine, rich with relief and concern and it pierced Cassia like a hot blade and she curled further inward to escape even as a part of her yearned to hear it again.

The male's scent came next- warm honey glazed bread and summer heat.

Her beast purred in excitement- he would do, the beast crooned and Cassia shivered, trying hard to not move from her spot, her eyes clenched shut as she hoped he wouldn't come any closer.

No other blood beside his. Cassia snapped back at the beast and she could picture its emacitated face in her mind's eye- like a wolf that had gone hungry over a long untamed winter, scarred from battles untold and beaten from abuse at the hands of hunters.

But she could still see the brilliance in it's sharp gaze- it's eyes identical to her own in almost every way, though the wolf's stare glinted with cutting cleverness, made wise from it's narrow tangles with death.

The unknown male stepped closer and closer, and Cassia whimpered as he knelt down beside her.

"Hey..." He whispered softly, "I'm not going to hurt you..."

Cassia shook her head slightly and he gently grasped her hands, pulling them away from where she cradled them against her chest.

"Come on, we have to get you somewhere warm."

Warm? He was warm.

More footsteps were approaching and a familiar scent drew closer- roasted chestnuts, pine, and hot coffee.

Mate. Her beast purred, preening beneath their shared skin and Cassia felt her own scent of sweet apples and rose buds strengthen as if to pull him closer.

She kept her eyes closed even after she felt the other male wrap his arms around her and lift her up against his broad chest. Her head fell against his shoulder weakly and her quivering began to worsen as she tried hard not to latch onto his throat.

She was so thirsty- so desperate for blood that it made her skin feel drawn tight, like it was cracking under the pressure- even the scent of her own blood began to drive her mad as her nails pierced the skin of her palms and her shivering worsened as a result.

Her mate's scent clung to this male and she could vaguely sense that he was a beta- did her mate have a new beta?

He hummed softly, as if to soothe her, but all it did was make her focus more on his throat as she could now not avoid the sound of the rushing of his blood beneath his skin.

She fought to keep her eyes shut as if that would somehow make this easier on her.

It didn't.

She licked her chapped lips and she felt him begin to walk to the end of the hall where her mate had stopped.

"Stevie, let me take her." He said and she felt the other male nod and hand her gently over to her mate.

His voice was still rough, but not as rough as it had been before and it made him feel somewhat unfamiliar as they drew closer.

Cassia whimpered again and clenched her hands tight.

"Relax." He bid her and she tried. She really did.

It was too much and she was too weak to fight off the instincts bourne of her hunger.

In a single movement, she rose her head up just enough to latch onto his throat, barely preparing the zone with a lick of her tongue before sinking her teeth in.


The beta's shout went unheeded by her as she lost herself in the pleasure of blood taking.

Her mate fell back a step and she purred in satisfaction as hot and heady lifeblood poured down her throat, slaking her thirst for the first time in what felt like decades.

Had it really been so long since she'd tasted him against her lips?

No matter how alluring his scent had been his blood tasted far beyond that- every drop tasted of delicate flavors that she had never tasted in a human beyond him, giving his blood a full bodied taste that pulled her in deeper with every passing moment, his mind opening to her like a spring rose opening its petals for the first time in a new year as the bonds between bloomed to life once more.

The first, the only one he would ever feel- that of Alpha and Omega, lit a fire beneath her skin as her omega yearned for the touch of his skin against hers, the feeling of his heat bonding with her's.

She felt crazed with it, but the second bond between them kept her in check- the one between a vampire and their mate.

Her beast was too busy enjoying the taste of his blood against her tongue to feel the need to reaffirm their bond physically, too busy feeling his mind connect to her own once more, too busy feeling the pleasure he recycled back to her from her bite to bother with anything more carnal.

No, the bonds bursting back to life brought her a closeness with him that not even sex could compare to and she continued to purr in pleasure as his hands gripped into her thighs and arm for purchase as he unconsciously pulled her even closer.

He righted himself after a moment, groaning in pleasure beneath her lips as her hands unclenched and wrapped around his neck to pull him closer.

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