Leave Out All The Rest

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A/N: See? As promised, over a thousand words. I'm caught up to what I have written, so I'm going to get back to writing today or tomorrow so I have a chapter or two for ya'll next Sunday. Please tell me what you think below- it really helps me to know what ya'll like, love, or hate or even just think needs to be improved and even if you don't have anything to critique me on any words of encouragement at all are ALWAYS appreciated. If you have any questions or need clarification over anything, leave your questions in the reviews/comments under accounts and I'll reply to you via PM the answers. Enjoy :)

The morning after Wanda had approached Bucky found the young woman in the mated pair's room, Steve hovering nearby like a concerned mother hen.

"Stevie, stop it." Bucky sighed, rubbing the back of his neck to try and get his tense muscles to relax.

Steve rubbed a hand through his hair, "I'm just-"

"Worried, yeah, I figured that out."

Wanda waited for Bucky to want to begin patiently, pressed to the wall to stay out of their way in the meantime. Her fingers wrapped around her arms and her legs were crossed as she leaned, her form dressed in one of the few pairs of pants she owned- washed black jeans, tailored close to the leg. She was without her coat- they were in a hotter climate, so that made sense.

Bucky had kept quiet about the reason for it all- telling Steve they were just trying to trace a memory of his.

Steve had kept quiet at the admission, but Bucky knew that his soulmate had wondered what memory was so important- he hadn't made the effort to ask for help from Wanda for any of his other memories.

Bucky glanced at Wanda and nodded, sitting down in the chair they had set off to the side.

Steve crossed his arms and took up her spot on the wall, as Wanda approached. She stopped just behind him and gently pressed her forefingers against his temples, delving into his mind.

Memories flashed before his eyes- dancing images rushing past in a dizzying tangle of bright colors mixed with washed out greys.

A first glance- he catches sight of her as two guards guide her through the halls of the HYDRA base.

She is thin and sickly looking and she is near dragged by one of them. It is before he lost his memories in full- back when they hadn't properly learned what settings on the chair would keep his memories away without putting him out of commission for weeks afterward.

In that brief glance he can't help but compare her to the rough image of a small blond man in his memory- he couldn't place the man's face and he wondered who the man had been to him. By the time he glances back for her she's gone.

A flash and he can't recall anything about his life before HYDRA, or even a hint of what his past had been while he'd been with HYDRA.

He is in a bedroom within the base, having been shoved within even as his senses tingle and the scent of an omega within heat invades him.

Slowly, he walks further into the room and finds the female omega lying in a ball on the floor, a foot away from a messy bed, her form quivering as the stress of her heat bears down upon her in full.

He carefully breathes through his mouth but her scent still draws him closer. He bent down and picked her up- she's surprisingly light and she releases a small whimper in his hold.

He settles her on top of the bed and she begins to uncoil slowly and he can tell when she begins to notice his own scent as an alpha.

He sat down on the foot of the bed, his senses demanding he not stray from her side- that she is weak and needs to be protected, but he knows he won't be able to resist for long if at all.

She's delicate and thin and he wonders briefly if they are feeding her. Logically, he knows she shouldn't be able to fo into heat as sickly as she appears. Her breathing quickens and her scent strengthens. Her blonde hair sticks to her forehead with sweat and her pale skin is red with heat.

He glances around the room and starts- the walls are stained with dried blood.

His hackles rise- she isn't as weak as she looks.

Another flash and he feels her skin against his own as her scent corrupts his mind- winter rain and warm apples. It draws him in further and he groans as she sinks down onto him with a whimper.

A moment later he feels her bite him and pleasure races through him. He goes harder, and she cries out, squeezing him and spurring on his own orgasm. He stills for a moment but she doesn't pull away from his neck- she moans and he feels warm and sticky blood flow down his chest for a moment before she licks it away and her heat pulses through them both once more, setting him off again.

Another flash and he finds himself coming to in the bed, her blonde hair pillowing against his chest, he glances down at her and blinks hazily- how?

She looks near radiant beside him, her skin softly glowing like moonlight in the dark room.

Another flash and about a year has passed.

He is being dragged away from their room, his mind a foggy, sedated mess. He can hear her screaming as they cart her off in the opposite direction of him and he blinks lazily even as his instincts demand he chase after her. Her scent still clings to him and he begins to fight off the guards hold as it awakens him fully.

No, no, no!

He couldn't leave her alone with them- he couldn't let them touch her.

He blinks and suddenly is in the labs, blood drenching his clothes as he's cornered at the door that separates him from his mate.

She's screaming, but only he can hear her.

Someone is talking to him, but he doesn't recognize them.

He stills as her screaming cuts off.

No, no, no. She whispers brokenly in his mind and he knows something has gone wrong.

A nurse comes out of the doors, cradling his blanket wrapped young to her chest.

He carefully rips the bundle from the nurse and she stumbles back into a guard.

Apprehension fills him and he can sense his mate's sorrow through their bond.

He unwraps the blanket and releases a stuttering gasp, horror tearing through him with the swiftness of lightning's strike.


A final flash and he's pinned down to that awful, familiar chair, his mate's cries present only in his mind. They're making her watch and he tries to keep silent- he tries to remain strong for her.

He fails.

When he awakens he doesn't remember her- but he can still feel her in his mind. But he is alone in a bedroom and he gasps as his connection to her is severed abruptly, a chill knocking his mind into unconsciousness.

Bucky comes to out of the vision as Wanda stumbles back with a gasp. He stilled and stretched out his senses as an alpha- immediately sensing Steve as he stepped closer to him, but he stretches them past that and cold meets him. He blew out a breath and Steve stilled- the bresth meeting air as if chilled by winter. He can feel her, but only vaguely. Just enough though.

He glanced at Wanda, "I know where she is."

A/N: Thanks for reading! :)

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