Chapter 1: My Life And New Roommate

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Y/n pov

???: Give me the lien now!

Nancy: We don't have anymore!

???: SHUT UP!

Y/n: No DON'T!


I shot up from my bed, I took a look at my surroundings. I was in my bedroom. I sighed and rubbed my head.

Y/n: Damn dream.

I got up from my bed and walked to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror.

Y/n: Damn, look like shit.

I stripped myself of my clothing and took a shower. After I finished I put on a f/c hoodie and black pants with black sneakers. I walked outside my apartment and walked towards a cafe.

I walked inside and inspected the line, it was long, about 10 people waiting to order. I sighed and sat down on a nearby chair to wait for the line to get short.

After about 30 minutes I looked towards the line and saw that there was nobody waiting so I walked in line.

Employee: Hello sir, what would you like to order?

Y/n: Mocha grande frape

Employee: Ok sir that would be 7 lien

I paid for my order and waited until it was ready. After my order was done I left the cafe and walked around Vale. Then I realized I was low on food at home, I needed to go shopping.

I took a turn in an alleyway for a shortcut to the store. I continued walking until 5 guys appeared around the corner. Looks like I was about to be mugged.

Mugger 1: Hey pal, give us all the lien you have.

Mugger 2: Or get ready for a beatdown.

I looked at the other muggers and saw that they had pipes and bats. I mentally sighed, they were barely even considered muggers. I decided to let my Ghost handle them. Normally people would be freaking out if they saw Ghost, but they couldn't. I started walking toward the exit of the alleyway and the muggers got pissed.

Mugger 1: Give us your money now or die!

But I ignored his meaningless threat. I kept walking and they got ready to 'beat' me. I stopped and looked at them and sighed. I glanced at my Ghost and turned back.

Y/n: Take care of them, I'm not in the mood right now.

The muggers stopped their advancement and looked at me confused. Before they could question me, one of them was impaled by my Ghost. Ghost removed its clawed hand and the mugger dropped dead. As the other muggers were panicking I started to walk out of the alleyway, ingnoring the muggers that were being slaughtered by Ghost. They didn't even stand a chance, you can't fight what you can't see.

After Ghost finished them off it started to slowly disappear. I continued walking to the store. After I finished shopping I proceeded to my apartment. When I got home I put the food away and sat on the couch. I just sat on the couch and just twirled my knife around

Getting bored I decided to go for a walk in the woods. I grabbed my kukri and gun just incase I run into any Grimm in the woods. As I got outside I started to walk toward the woods. As I got to the woods I started walking around, enjoying the wind breezing through my hair. I continued walking until I heard a small yip. I stopped when I heard this and decided to investigate the source of the sound. I walked and found a small wolf pup. As I inspected it, I found that it was bigger than a regular wolf pup should've been, it stood as tall as 3 feet on all fours, which isn't normal for regular wolf pups. Then I started to remember something

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