Chapter 12: Connor's Day Off (Redone)

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Connor pov

It was the weekend meaning that there was no school today. I went to the cafeteria to eat lunch since Y/n was investigating his aunt. I put my hood up and walked into the lunch room and saw that it was already packed with students. I ignored the stares and went to go grab my lunch. I sat down on a table and pulled out my scroll and put the ear buds in and watched funny videos while eating peacefully

Connor: Hehe, Bitchpussy

I saw a student sit beside me on the corner of my eye but I just watched the video and eat. I was about to put another fry in my mouth but the student slapped it away. I went and put another fry in my mouth but the student slapped it away agian

Connor: You slap this next one away I'm gonna smash you with this tray

I went to put another fry in my mouth but the student knocked it away agian. Y is time I stood up, grabbed the tray, and smashed it on the students face. The student went flying and crashed onto the floor unconscious. I got a good look at the student and saw that it was Cardin from Team CRDL

I looked around and saw his team looking in shock. They met my gaze and turned pale

Connor: You gonna get him down or what?

They ran and grabbed Cardin and ran off dragging him along out of the cafeteria. I looked around once more and saw all of the students looking at me in shock. I saw Sabrina and her team with Liam beside her with his team with a pissed off look

Connor: *Thoughts* They must've sent him to get my attention, well it worked

I sat back down and watched on my scroll again. Then I got a text from Y/n

Y/n: Since it's your day off you can go ahead and head into Vale if you want and do some stuff, just let me know if you want to

Connor: Thanks

I thought about it and decided that I had nothing else to do

Connor: I might as well, bored here anyway

Y/n: Alright then, don't get into trouble, you know what to do if you are

Connor: I know

Y/n: By the way, I need you to get the journals from the apartment

Connor: Where did you put them

Y/n: I hid them under the floorboard beside my bed when the intruders came

Connor: I'm on it

Y/n: Thanks, stay safe little brother

I grew a small smile on my face, I liked the fact that he called me little brother, he gave me the feeling of having a family again

I got up and headed to the to the Bullhead station, knowing full well that Sabrina, Liam, and their teams were following me

Y/n pov

After I texted Connor I looked back at the holographic picture of the car chase

Y/n: *Thoughts* If Aunt Kelly is chasing down Cayde and Grey that would mean that one of them has a bounty on their heads, but who?

I heard the door open and I quickly changed the picture to one of the creatures I was preparing for next class. I looked and saw Ozpin walking towards me

Ozpin: Good morning Apex

Apex: Morning

Ozpin: I would like to talk to you about something

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