Chapter 37: Reset

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3rd pov

Hunter's Camp

The Goddess of the Hunt was furious, the chance to kill the Gods sworn enemies was so close, but pulled away at her father's retreat

Her hunt stood outside of her tent as they heard screams of frustration, yet in those screams were something else. Sadness, anguish, and despair

Inside Artemis's tent was a mess, her bedsheets were torn, desk flipped, clothes tattered everywhere. She hurled items across her room, her face shaped by rage. She paced around the room catching her breath, her throat sore from screaming

She sat on her torn up bed and continued to breathe heavily. Looking at her small bed dresser, she opened a drawer. Inside she picked up a picture frame. In it was a photo of her and Y/n laughing together on the couch.

Loving you was a mistake!

The words echoed in her head, how could she say that? The one decent man she fall in love with and she hurt him. Tears fell from her eyes as she touched his face on the picture. She held it close to her chest while muttering apologies


The streets were chaotic. Seekers roamed the area in a crazed frenzy, killing anything or anyone that made a sound. A mother ran with a child in her hand, trying to escape the hellish creatures around them

Child: Mommy I'm scared!

Mother: It's alright baby we're-

She was cut off by the Seeker that charged at them in full speed. It launched itself at the mother and child, using its claws to tear them to shreds

Once they were nothing but chunks of flesh, the Seekers continued its onslaught among the citizens with others joining it

Their attention was then brought upon a van that drove through the street, the horn blaring bloody murder in their ears. They gave chase to the moving vehicle, which was driven by a trio of Ajin and an Atlas general

Grey: God damnit!

Satou: Hold on!

Satou made a hard right, causing a Seeker following them to lose its footing. However, it jumped onto one of the building walls and bounced off and continued its chase

Y/n: Damnit, how the fuck did Gods find the Beacon?!

Grey: I don't know, but this blood is on their hands

Y/n: *Thoughts* Artemis, please...for the love of Oum, don't have anything to do with this

Seeing a Seeker to the side of the Van, Satou pulled out his pistol and shot it, only to have it not affect the creature at all. As a result, the Seeker rammed the van. Satou quickly gained control and sped up

Satou: What the hell are these things?!

Grey: Aliens!

Satou: Seriously?!

Ironwood: It's true Samuel

Satou: I'll be damned

Grey: What were you expecting?

Satou: I don't know, a fucking alien that can fit in a bicycle basket!

Grey: ...Really?

Suddenly, a Seeker tore a hole in the Van, it's claw penetrating Grey in the head. Y/n kicked it away as Grey began resetting

Y/n: Have you ordered an evacuation?

Ironwood: I have Atlas soldiers coming in to escort any survivors

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