Death trap 1

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  Aaron was doing a spot check on zara, outside her apartment  he was thinking the sooner he get this through the better for him, because he owe sue a promise, aftee all he's going to do it he had a great sex with her, he thought to himself..

Zara was about the throw the rubbish in the bin, when mick one of Aaron s man said to him" boss is it that pretty dark girl were targeting"

Aaron through his black tinted Jeep wrangler. And to heaven sakes she's a beauty.. But he have a mission to complete, which was to kill her.

" yes its her" he replied with an emotionless face..

Mick took his gun from off the passenger seat close to him,  and was  ready to pull the door open kels came by her..  They hugged each other.

Mick cursed under his breath and said " flipping woman".  And aim at them and pulled the trigger firing gun shot after them..

The shot graze Zara's left arm, she winced at the pain they ran inside dodging shots at the same time,  they drop to the floor cover and protection, they cover their eyes to hinder the awful noise from getting to them..

After a long while of waiting the shots finished firing.

" who would want to hurt us" asked kels in a worried voice..

" maya" zara answered holding  her slightly wounded handed.

" the war is on" said kels.

There u go
Happy reads

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