Last one standing .

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That way familiar voice, was no other than  my sister Anna.

Who would have think that she woyld do something like this,not me but anyhow it happens.

She come in the light revealing herself clearly to me she looks at me with an dirty smirk on her face.

Someone loose me so I can wipe that stupid smirk off her ugly face.

The funniest thing she was wearing my best blouse, the pink and white long sleeve v neck one ,I bought and give it to her. And she's wearing it while plotting my death how coincidental ,since I wearing her ,black and lime green blouse she brought me for my birthday ,couple years a back.

"Why are you doing this, to me" I asked Anna.

She looked at sue and Maya and they laughed evil like some merciless witch .

Its like she was contemplating on whether to get right to it or go around the corner ,but then she turned to me and started saying .

"You see ,its hard to love your half sister, when you have grown up together and know that the man you've been calling father for all my life is not my real father,she paused and fake been hurt, then continued ,you know how I heard? They had an argument over you, over freaking you,getting the house to sell,and that house cost billions of dollars my friend and you are one getting it,. No I don't think so", she was circling  around me ,when she reached behind me,she kicks the chair I was on angrily , I crashed to the ground right on my face on my left cheek.

I cried out painfully.

She comes closer to me and said with venom in her voice" so tonight just be prepared for your death ,because neither mom or your dad or God himself can save you, so do pray to our heavenly father telling him your on your way because shortly after I'm through with you ,you will be going to him" she said with confidence and no doubt in her words.

I was scared because I've never seen her this cruel or outrageous before she was always jolly. Never judge a book By its cover I thought.

" you could ask me for shares you know, but no you being a greedy cow,wants everything so you rather kill me" I retorted glaring at her.

"You little turd" she yelled ,she kick me in the ribs and stomach.
My ribs are going to be broken .

After minutes of trying to loose myself from where I was bound behind me ,I finally loosed,but I still hold it behind as a disguise for them not to see that I'm loosed. I look over the other side just a few stretch from where I was to reach a crowbar.

"Hallelujah God favours me" I thought .

Due to the darkness of the room ,the lighting was poorly after all ,so they couldn't see me reaching for it anyways ..

Sue was walking up to me cursing expletives at me when in the shocking burst of desperation, I use the crowbar and hit her in the kneecap .

Sue fell to the ground and yelled " you freaking hit me" holding her kneecap.

"As the other girls stood by ,shocked that I would actually hit back,I got to my feet take a stance ,taking batting practice and knocked Maya out.

The backstabbing asshole deserves it.

I took the chance to run through the door leaving behind me squeaking sounds from the floor.

" come get some I challenged " after reaching the door.

Bad idea. As sue and Anna ran after me I dropped the crowbar and ran . the howls them following me " your dead" they screamed ,"your freaking dead".

No I wasn't, strength wasn't my forte ,but I kept running through the abandoned apartment .

When I was about to jump over the little rail to  reach the bottom a knife sang out of the darkness and buried itself in the back of my right leg.

"Good aim Anna" ,sue  commented.

I screamed and fell to the ground ,closing my hand around the handle I took the blade out. Blood spurted out of the wound as agony launched through my body .

Try as I might  get up.
I couldn't .

Anna was coming up to angrier than before ,saying " I'll put an exception on your death I'm not going to do it the hard way,too much damn work " .

She clicked the gun aiming at my head, my eyes growing wide ,then I started chanting a prayer. Then I heard the voice of officer Burke.

Thank God I said.

"Put your weapon down ,and back away from I repeat put your weapon down and back away from it" .

Sue said some profanities and ready to run ,when the other officer shouted."don't move or  I'll shoot" sue stiffened and stood still

They were handcuffed and put in the jeep and kels ran to me while the medical people were dressing my bruises and she breathe out a " thank God you are OK".

Sue ,Anna and kels were later taken away and put in lock up.

Officer Burke offer us a ride home ,we reached home in the morning .sleeping was the last thing on our minds due to us being terrified and  lack of energy .

2 weeks later

I get a call from the police telling me my case was closed .

I was more than thankful .

I sold the house and buy two tickets for London one for me and kels.

While going into the taxi that kels called muse called out to us and I looked his way ,a smile crept up my face .

He said " your leaving, so I'm never seeing you again ?".

I smiled and said" fate is unpredictable so who knows maybe one day" .
" to fate then" he said

We bid our farewells and I get in the car leaving behind me a muse whose waving and smiling .

Kels rest her head on my shoulder and my head on hers .

Away to our future that awaits us..

There you have it guys ,betrayal is officially completed ,please vote and comment .thank you.
One love pep

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