Side Stories 1

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Okay I have been hearing that you needed something else in regards to the Epilogue. This not an epilogue just a little side stories, so tell me what you think.

"Tomorrow little sister is getting married, Mother wanted us to teach you what to expect." Da Fan stared as her sisters-in-law pile into her room.

The mixture of fragrances, scents and overcrowding made her a little lightheaded. Da Fan was in her room packing her chest of personal items to bring with her to her husband's house.

"What to expect?" Da Fan echoed confused.

The sisters smiled at each other giggling. "You know, your wedding night." Sister A said.

Da Fan blushed a bright red, she didn't know exactly know what will happen at her wedding night but she had a fair idea.

Meirin in the background snickered enjoying her Mistress's discomfort. Sister A pulled Meirin from the wall where she was and had her sat bedside Da Fan.

"As your Mistress's servant, you too must know what to expect for her wedding night."

Meirin spluttered trying to find a reason to deny and leave. Da Fan laughed quietly, that's what she gets for enjoying her mistress's pain.

Sister B came to stand in front of the two and held up a cloth bad. You could see the outline of an object in the plain, black bag.

"Open it"

Da Fan took the bag, looked inside and shrieked causing the contents to drop out.

"What's that?" Da Fan yelled.

Her sisters-in-law either giggled or laughed. You see just a hint of blush on some of their faces.

Meirin cautiously took the bad and its contents up. Her eyes bulged out, wide opened. "What is this?" Meirin said eyeing the object, fascinated with it.

"Have you never wondered what a penis looked like?" Meirin blushed and the object dropped from her hand and rolled to touch Da Fan's leg.

Da Fan blushed so hard that Sister B hugged her rubbing their cheeks against each other exclaiming. "She's so cute. Isn't she cute sisters?"

Sister B took up the object shaped like a man's penis. The object was clearly crafted by a skilled craftsman. It measured nearly 8 inch longs. Crafted so detailed that little veins could be made out on the wooden object. You could see that it was made from quality wood that sported a golden-brown hue.

"Mother tasked us to teach you how exactly it works."

Da Fan couldn't be redder the same for Meirin. As the day passed, sounds of giggles and laughter could be heard from the room.

Da Fan's oldest brother knocked on the room door. He hasn't seen his wife the entire da and had wondered where he was when he was told that she's in his little sister's room.

Da Fan opened the door, her eyes glistened with tears and her cheeks looked flushed. "Brother?"

The loud giggles that could be heard from the room hushed when Da Fan acknowledge her brother's presence.

"Sister, you well? You look feverous"

Fa Fan remembering her sisters-in-laws' stories of theirs and her brothers sexcapades blurt out.

"Brother are you truly that big?"

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