Conclusion and further reading

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It's been great fun writing this book - I hope you've all enjoyed reading it.

I was prompted to write about Octopuses after attending a session at Adelaide Writer's Week and listening to Peter Godfrey-Smith talk about his book, "Other Minds: The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life."

Fascinating - and I haven't been able to eat octopus since!

I've included a link to the book on Amazon in the External Link section if anyone wants to follow that up.

I'll leave you with one of my favourite passages from the book:

Life..."evolved in the sea. Water made it possible. All the early stages took place in water: the origin of life, the birth of animals, the evolution of nervous systems and brains, and the appearance of the complex bodies that make brains worth having....When animals did crawl onto dry land, they took the sea with them. All the basic activities of life occur in water-filled cells bounded by membranes, tiny containers whose insides are remnants of the sea..."

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