Chapter Seventy-Five: The Smell of Rain

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The next day Connor and I spent mainly at the park, the fresh, cold air feeling nice against my skin. I was wearing a tank top and shorts, while Connor was wearing his signature jacket and jeans. He insisted on getting out of the house, and I couldn't agree more to his proposal.

"I forgot how beautiful it is out here." I smiled as I gazed up at the sky. "Everything was so black and white before. Now it's all in screaming colour."

Connor's fingers linked with mine as we walked along the sidewalk, a soft smile consistently on his face. "I thought you would appreciate the sights and fresh air after being kept inside so long."

I nodded, "I love it." I closed my eyes as I breathed in the fresh air, the smell of rain making my body shiver. "God, I love the smell of rain."

"I know." Connor let go of my hand to wrap his arm around my waist, holding me to him. "It's going to rain again tonight. Perhaps even a thunderstorm."

I grinned, leaning up on my toes to kiss his cheek. "You really know how to woo me, don't you?"

Connor's brown eyes met mine, his gaze full of love and adoration. "Yes, I do know how to 'woo' you." He smirked slightly, lifting his free hand to touch my face, his fingers lightly brushing against my bottom lip.

I blushed, turning my face away from his. How long had it been since we'd been so intimate? Oh yes, when I had my emotions off...

I was brought out of my negative thoughts as I felt Connor's hand dip under my shirt, resting lightly on the skin of my hip. As much as I loved the fresh air, the idea of being intimate with Connor was much more enticing.

"Do- Do you wanna go home?" I stumbled over my words as I looked over at him, his gaze still on me, his eyes darker than before.

"I do think that would be... beneficial for the both of us." His lips curved into a smile as he leant down, pressing his lips against mine gently, but firmly.

When I pulled back, my face was flushed and my breathing was erratic.

"Let's go home."

A/N: Ahhhhh smut is coming next! Enjoy the flufffffffff first lol. Sorry this was short but smut is coming slowly. I'll be starting my Until Dawn twitch stream today! So go follow my twitch Tashaplays1998

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