Chapter Seventy-Two: Bring Me To Life

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Though the memory was horrible, seeing how much Hank cared about me even back then, made the guilt and sadness in my chest weigh me down less. It was like taking a breath of fresh air after being stuck inside all day. It was beautiful.

The memory faded once more, and this time I was at the precinct, working on the computer.

What kind of memory is this?

I shook my head as I watched the scene unfold in front of me.

Then it hit me.

I saw Connor sitting at his desk, and he looked drained. While myself was smirking over at Gavin who was clearly trying to flirt with me.


So this is what it is.

The pain I put Connor through while emotionless.

The scenes came faster, each causing me more and more pain until I was on my knees, sobbing as I felt like my heart was being ripped from my chest. Memory after memory pushing me closer to the edge of the abyss.


My voice was hoarse as my body shook, tears falling down my face. I watched as my mother and father sat with me, both of their arms wrapped around me, holding me in a tight embrace.

This is the day they died.

"Never let anyone else decide who you are; only you have the power to decide who you are."

The flashbacks came back in full force, but this time they were good. The times Connor's made me laugh and smile. Our first kiss.

I saw Hank and I goofing off. I saw Sumo. I saw Markus and North. I even saw the very few good memories I had with Gavin.

My friends.

My family.

I deserve to live.

Then I saw it.

I saw him.

Waiting for me.

He'll always wait for me.

Connor held his hand out to me. I felt him, closer than I ever had before. It was like we were one being entirely. His brown eyes gazed into mine as I stepped towards him. Towards the light.

"I know you're scared, my love. It's all overwhelming you, but you're the reason I became who I am. You helped me find myself. I wouldn't have ever became deviant if I were in my right mind — because of you I am able to experience so much life. You changed my life forever, Tasha. The way you smile, your laugh that fills an entire room, the way your touch feels against my skin it's invigorating. Every moment I've spent with you, whether it was when I was solely a machine or now when I'm a deviant, those were the best moments of my life because of you. You made me feel human. Something I thought was impossible. You made me love, something I also thought was impossible. I know you're scared that everything's changed because of what you've become, but Tasha that's further from the truth. I love you. I love you with my entire being. Yes, you're a hybrid now, and I would make that decision again in a heartbeat because it brought you back to me. You're still you, Tasha, but you're also more. It's up to you whether or not you decide who you want to be. I will be by your side every single step of the way. I made a promise, and you know I always accomplish my mission."

I couldn't help but smile at his words.

"Will you come with me, Tasha?"

Once I was close enough to him, I grabbed onto his hand. My eyes closed, and once again there was nothing, but I felt alive and happy.

It was beautiful.


3rd Person POV

Connor's eyes opened as the memories faded from view, his grip on Tasha's hand tighter than earlier.


Her head was towards the ground, and he could hear her sobbing.

She's crying.

She smiled at him. The tears fell down her face. Yet she had the most beautiful smile on her face. A smile he hadn't seen in a long time.

"I love you, Connor."

Connor couldn't hold back as he brought her lips up to his, pulling her fragile body as close to his as possible as her lips moved against his in a frenzy.

"I love you, so much." Connor said against her lips, the emotions overwhelming him as tears fell down his face.

"I'm so sorry, Connor." Tasha sobbed, her grip on his shoulders right. "I thought that if I felt nothing everything would fix itself, but I was wrong. I hurt you... I, I —"

"Shh." Connor said as he brought his lips to hers again, pecking them gently. "It's alright. You're here now. That's all that matters."

Tasha shook her head, wanting to argue but unable to find the strength to do so as she looked into his brown eyes. They held so much light and life now, and the smile he had on his face made her body weak.

"I love you." Tasha smiled at him. "Thank you for not giving up on me"

Connor pulled her body against his in a tight embrace.

"I will never give up on you, my love."

A/N: AWWWWWW there we have it! Her emotions are baaaack and here to stay! I hope you all enjoyed :3

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