Deadly dou

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Deadly Duo.

~Vallory's P.O.V~

I was sitting by the gate waiting for Rick's green car to pull up so I can open this gate and be off duty, the run is taking longer than usual but they have to keep going farther and farther from the prison so I understand why. It's been about a month since I dumped Carl and he started dating Sophia, but everytime I saw him he wasn't with her, and when he was he stood a distance from her. He still tries talking to me, but I only reply when it's off the topic of 'us' or Sophia. I began humming quietly out of boredom, which caused a few nearby walkers to go in a frenzy because of the noise. I heard a scream come from the forest, I quickly picked u my katana and open the gate, slashing a few walkers in the process, and running out into the trees (after securely closing the gate of course.) I heard the scream again, and I followed it into a large clearing. There were two girls fighting off a group of about 10 walkers. One girl with long brown hair sat in a tree, her bow and arrow pointed towards the walkers surrounding the base of the tree. The other girl with around shoulder length brown hair and freckles attacked the walkers coming at her with a pocket knife. The one in the tree noticed me,
"Help us!" She pleaded, tears falling down her pale cheeks.
I unsheathed my katana and ran at a walker that was limping up behind the girl with the pocket knife and cut its head in half. I felt a biter grab my arm so I kicked it in the gut then flung around, stabbing it in it's temple. I helped the pocket knife girl finish off the walkers surrounding the tree, and the bow and arrow chick jumped down. The pocket knife girl swung at me with her knife, but I kicked her in the gut, then the chest causing her to fall. I pinned her down with my foot and started fuming.
"I just saved your freaking life and then you try killing me?! Just coming out here is a risk for me AND my group! I could have just left you to die!" I spat, kicked her hard in the chest.
"Please! Don't kill Madisyn! She didn't mean to, we just really need the supplies and... Did you say group? Could we come back with you pl-"
"Shut up, Averylynn! We don't need a group, we're fine on our own." Madisyn cut Averylynn off, glaring at me.
"Uhm, hello! Madi, we're starving out here! Not to mention thirsty!" Averylynn exclaimed.
"You guys can come back, if you play nice." I smirked at Madisyn, "And if we get permission from my exes dad." I muttered.
"God Damn it, Avery!" Madisyn snapped. Averylynn just shrugged her off and skipped to my side, talking my ear off the whole walk back to the prison.

With my luck, the second I exited the forest, Rick's car pulled up, leaving me stuck outside and unable to open the gate.
"Great, now he's going to be ticked off." I muttered
"Who?" Averylynn asked, just before Rick hopped out of the car. He caught sight of me and started stalking over.
"Him." I gestured.
"Val! Are you okay! You weren't behind the gate so I got a little worried." Rick breathed, checking me for what I guessed was bites, "And who are they?"
"Oh! This is Averylynn and Madisyn. They were in the forest fighting off walkers...alone." I hinted, I was doing the same when the group took me in, "I was actually going to ask you if they here."
"Can they fight?" Rick asked after looking both of them over, I nodded quickly, "Okay then, I guess they can."
"Thank you so much! You won't regret this!" Averylynn cried.
Rick called for Carl who was in the courtyard to open the gates and let us in. I refused to make eye contact with Carl on the way in, but I watched as he flirted with Averylynn.
"Why don't you take them to go get cleaned up, Val?" Rick suggested, I nodded only then realizing how messy they were.
Their brown hair was greasy and their pale skin was coated with sweat and dirt. Averylynn's white crop top was stained brown from blood, and her dark green shorts were torn. Madisyn's black tank top had 3 large tears from a walker and her blue jeans were ragged. I took the two girls into the prison and to the showers, I literally thought they both might break down in tears. The water wasn't even warm but they didn't seem to care, they also washed their clothes like they might break down any moment. I decided to take a shower myself, since we are saving water we can only take 3 a month, and I thought I deserved one after such a rough month.
Averylynn and Madisyn took the cell right next to mine, sadly on the other side was Carl's cell, and they talked all night. I stayed up and listened to their conversation but had to hold myself back from storming in there when a certain topic came up.
"So, do you have your eye on anyone yet?" Madisyn asked, and I could almost hear the wiggle of her eyebrows.
"Actually, yes. That Carl kid is reeaallyy hot. I bet I can get him to date me." I held back a scream.
"How? I hear he has a thing for Vallory, I don't think it would be good to do that. I mean she seems cool.."
"Pfft, she dumped him, and besides, I don't think she will care. And all I gotta do is show a little leg." Averylynn joked, and they both started busting up laughing.
Well...It's sort of obvious I'm not over Carl even though he's probably over me...

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