The plan: part 1

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The Plan: Part 1

~Vallory's P.O.V.~

I was frozen on the couch, Judith and Cain in my arms, Mika bawling into my side. Carl and Bradly were trying to help Cory as Gale was waving a hand in front of my face.
"Val, babez (nickname don't freak out), are you okay?" Gale asked frantically, but I couldn't answer.
"I-I" I stuttered, but my mind wouldn't let me form words except for, "I don't know..."
What I wanted to say was: No, No I'm not okay. This is all my fault. If I wouldn't have been reckless and gotten myself bit all of those days ago back at the prison then none of this would be happening. If I would have just killed The Governor when I was alone with him then Hershal would still be alive, and we would still be there. If I wouldn't have flipped out on my dad then he would have went with me and Jayden to cause a distraction, we wouldn't have gotten trapped, and we all wouldn't have split up. We're just kids, we can't survive on our own. And I'm so tired...So tired of messing up and ending up on my own. I'm a grenade...I hurt everyone around me.
But instead, I kept my mouth shut and eyes forward, busying myself by rocking the hysterical babies in my arms. A half an hour later, my eyes traveled over to Carl, who was trying to comfort Lenny. He just never gets a break, does he? He's the one always standing up and trying to fix my mistakes... I stood up, handed Mika the babies, and ran to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I felt so dizzy, like for the first time ever I felt the Earth spinning. I put my palms to my head hoping it could calm my nausea for a second, but it didn't. To my horror, I hovered over the toilet and threw up, and not because of nerves....I was getting sick.
"Val?! Vallory you have to let me in!" Someone called through the door. I shook my head, but stupidly remembered they couldn't see me.
"No," I croaked, "I-I'm sick.
The rest of my breakfast came up over a period of 5 minutes, each time more painful than the last. I was curled up into a ball by the toilet now, crying in fear. Finally, the door was kicked open and Carl and Gale ran over to me. Carl picked me up and carried me into one of the bedrooms, laying me down lightly on a bed. He put his hand to my forehead, checking for a fever, his normal bright blue eyes darkened, the sparkle dimming.
"Go get the medicine bag," Carl muttered to Gale, not taking his eyes off of me. Gale nodded and left the room.
"Am I sick?" I whispered, already knowing the answer.
"I'm guessing the flu, or maybe it was something you ate. Food poisoning, I think it's called."
Gale came back in, except all he brought was a little pill bottle and water. I took two of the pills and sipped on the water as Carl stroked my hair, calming me down.
"We can take turned watching her, since she's sick and we've both been exposed," Gale suggested, "One of us can stay in here and watch her while the other stays outside the door and make sure no kids get in."
"I'll watch her first," Carl said, "Go tell Bradly and Jayden what's going on."

~Beth's P.O.V.~
I can't believe we lost all of the kids, Sasha, and a few other people. We were all mourning, in a sense. Not just over the death of our friends, but over the unknown. We didn't know what happened to the younger ones, no one saw if they got away or were gunned down like some of the others. Carol, Daryl, Maggie and I wanted to go out and look for them, but everyone else was dead-set on helping the wounded.
"We have to let everyone else heal up before we go risking our lives again," Rick had said.
He only wants to stay here in this filthy apartment because Callista was hurt. He didn't even care about Glenn or Tyreese, who had both gotten shot but not killed. Or his son and daughter who were missing. All Callista did was twist her ankle, she didn't even break it. Glenn and Tyreese were stuck on bed rest front getting shot in the side, thank God it only grazed them. Daryl was on constant high alert, his crossbow never left aim out of the apartment window unless there was to large of a herd, or Carol was crying. To make matters worse, I think I was getting sick. If I was sick then they wouldn't let me see my sister or let me help them look for the others. I wanted to find Mason and Judith, and Vallory to. We had been close back at the prison, but my fathers death took a bigger toll on us than it seemed to of on anyone else.
"We're having a group meeting," Carol mumbled, letting herself into my room.
"I'll be out in just a second," I replied, quickly drying off my cheeks and blowing my nose.
The meeting was held in Glenn and Tyreese's room, who were finally awake, and everyone was there. Maggie, Rick, Callista, Carol, Michonne, Rosita, Abraham, Eugene, Bob, Joshua, Dakota, and they even managed to drag Daryl away from the window.
"We need to find the kids," My sister said immediately, almost everyone nodded except for Rick.
"We can't just go tramping through the woods looking for them," He said, "Plus, they'll be alright for a little while. They have enough food an medicine to keep them going for weeks, same with food and water. Carl and Vallory know how to ration. And all of the older kids are trained. We need a plan. Carl and I were talking about an idea of where we should go if that place turned out bad, he suggested we go back to the prison. With all of the ammo and guns we have, we could clear out any remaining walkers and we can always rebuild the fences."
"Rick, you weren't there after thing started dimming down a little," I snap, "Daryl and I were, Glenn didn't leave till after us. We saw the damage. He blew up one wall from Cell Block D, along with one of the side guard towers (just guessing). I don't know how we can fix all of that."
"We'd have to completely restart," Glenn wheezed, out of breathe from sitting up, "Walkers are littering the courtyards, we'd have to clear them out before we even started going into the prison, cleaning out the cell blocks. Then we would have to go through the tombs again, and last time that happened someone got bit."
I appreciated that he didn't say my dads name, it broke my heart every time I heard it. I just feel like I could of done something, I had the gun in my hands....I could of shot the bastard who put the katana to his neck. I zoned out of the conversation just like Daryl did after Rick said we weren't looking for the kids, but I was brought back to reality by Rick clapping, then announcing,
"So it's settled. We give everyone a few weeks to heal and settle, then we head to the prison!"

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