8 ; the winds of change

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[ "Remus? Are you alright? You look a bit pale." ]

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For the next two weeks, the sixth year students of Hogwarts were, for a lack of a better word, swamped. Essays, lessons, potions, projects, and anything else teachers could come up with were placed on their plates.

The students of Hogwarts weren't known for getting their work done as soon as possible. In fact, they were known for quite the opposite, many of the student body being dutiful procrastinators, aside from the select few.

And many still were. Except for the select group that was assigned a particular project from the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. These particular students were mainly seen in the library and in their respective common rooms, pouring over books and parchment. It was quite the sight, seeing so many students working so hard on a project that wouldn't be due for another two month's time.

They always met there at six, the Marauders and their respective partners. James with Alice sitting at the table near Frank's. Sirius and Lily somehow not glaring at one another but instead working almost fluidly, albeit the minor disagreements from time to time.

Remus and Katie in their little corner table, working well as they always have, with the slightest bit of banter. Peter and Dorcas, two of Gryffindor's biggest introverts having a hard time communicating with each other and seeing eye to eye.

To say the least, these weeks were eventful for the lives of said teenagers. From growing friendships,  new-found feelings, and the usual werewolf—none had known quite what was about to hit them.

Katie and Remus got a front row seat to the sudden and growing friendship between Lily Evans and Sirius Black— all the way back from that first night in the library to this moment, in which the pair shared an excited high five, gaining the attention of several students, especially the two who were watching from beside them.

It was an interesting story, though there was no doubt in any of their minds that the details of the true story would never be known to their ears, rather staying confidential between the recipients of said new friendship.

Katie had gotten a Lily-like story, short, detailed, and yet, almost all over the place. Remus, James, and Peter, got Sirius' version, one that was more fact based than it was emotionally based—just in an attempt to save the look of badly hidden heartbreak on his best friend's face when he learned of their easy connection.

It started after Lily made the decision to follow Sirius Black's retreating form into an empty classroom, where the sight she was met with changed her entire perspective of the young man before her.

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