9 ; trouble and... more trouble?

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[ She suddenly stopped in her tracks as she pieced the puzzle together. ]

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"Oi, Downgreer! You look bloody dashing today!" Sirius smirked as the blonde turned a nice shade of red. James mumbled something under his breath before handing Sirius a galleon.

"Oh don't look so blue Prongsy, you should know by now that I can come up with a decent compliment for everybody. And honestly, you should've chosen someone harder to impress."

"I'm afraid Sirius is right James. That was pretty stupid of you, betting against Sirius' charm when you bloody well know that he can charm the pants off of anybody, even Professor Mcgonagall. Hell, he could charm you too if he really wished," Katie said, watching as Sirius winked at James. He only proved her theory right when he turned a slight shade of red.

"Poor choice too. What were you thinking, picking a girl? You should've picked someone like Avery." Katie tutted at her best friend, to which James stuck his tongue out at her in response, looking much like a 5 year old.

Remus rolled his eyes, but there was a playful smile on his face. "I'm gonna have to agree with Kate on that one."

"Remus! How could you?" James' mouth was open in protest, his eyebrows drawn. He turned to Peter, putting on his best pouting face. "You're on my side, aren't you Pete?"

The boy in question merely looked at Sirius, Remus, and Katie across the table, then back at James before nodding his head at James. "I mean, how do you say no to that face?"

"HAH!" James pointed at the three across from him. Others around them had begun to stare, but it didn't seem like James noticed nor cared.

Katie smirked. "That's still three against two, James."

James slumped in his seat, pouting. "Why in the bloody hell are we arguing about this anyway?"

Before anyone could answer, Lily joined them by taking a seat next to Katie.

"Hey Lily."

"Hello Kate," the redhead said. She then turned to address the rest of the people at the table. "Sirius, Remus, Peter, hello. And I guess hello to you too Potter."

"Still on a last name basis, are we Evans?" The smirk on his face was suddenly wiped away and replaced with a grimace as he glared daggers at something behind Lily.

"What do want, Snivellus?"

Katie could feel Lily stiffen next to her, refusing to turn around.

"Not everything involves you, Potter." He spit out his last word with such spite, it almost rivaled the poison in James' glare.

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