29 ; visions not quite explained

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A death eater.

The sudden change of scenery took the breath out of Katie's lungs, her chest suddenly feeling heavy with every quick inhale and gasp. Long gone was the snow-laden landscape of Hogsmeade, now replaced with a dark, suffocating aura of a room she couldn't quite fully see.

It took a few moments for her vision to become fully aware of her environment, blinking rapidly against the dim lighting. As her vision began to clear, the breath in her lungs seemed to dissipate. With the regaining of her eyesight, she slowly began to make out the masked face of a man with a gut-twisting, toothy grin. For those first terrifying moments she couldn't quite decide whether she wanted to flinch at the sight of him or spit straight into his oddly familiar eyes.

"So we meet again," came his raspy voice before Katie could really think more about her chaotic surroundings. The only aspect aside from the man's voice that she was acutely aware of was the odd sense that she didn't quite have control over her own body or emotions. Everything else was a blur that she couldn't quite recognize.

There seemed to be two different versions of her, each side pulling to gain full control. One version was terrified, the rapid pulse of her heartbeat echoing loudly in her ear. This version felt more like herself, the twisting in her stomach matching her knowledge of the situation. The other version was much more uncanny and off putting. This version was acute and aware in ways that Katie didn't know how to be. This version seemed to have perfect recognition of the situation, an anger bubbling in her chest that seemed peculiar considering that she had absolutely no inkling to the identity of this man.

The only familiar feature that she felt that she knew were his eyes. Even behind the mask obscured by the dim lights, Katie felt as if those should be eyes that she would recognize anywhere, as if they were eyes she'd looked into all her life.

Still, despite the internal war that threatened to split her head in half – she felt an undeniable familiarity to this man. Even above the anger, there was fear. She wasn't quite sure what exactly it was that she feared, but there was a subtle fear pulling at her stomach that almost felt more overwhelming than the anger coursing through the fingertips wrapped around her wand.

"I do wish I could say I'm glad to see your face again," she heard a voice reply. Immediately she recognized it as her mother's voice. Katie darted her head around for the source of her voice, but her vision was still obscured, as if a vignette was placed over her eyes and the center of it was the masked face of this death eater. Somehow, something told her that her mother's voice had come from herself, but that was impossible.

Her mouth had never even opened, and even if it had, she didn't know this man.

She heard him snarl lowly behind his mask before he slowly slid the mask and perched it on his hair. Katie was surprised by just how young he looked. With dark eyes, sharp cheekbones, and a luscious set of brown locks; he looked young.

Too young to be a death eater.

A dark tattoo poked out of his sleeve, and Katie knew that despite how young he appeared to be, this man was indeed a death eater - and if the hungry look etched onto his face was any indication, he enjoyed it.

Something dangerous danced in his oddly familiar eyes, a hatred so bare that Katie almost flinched. "I do so wish that I'd just killed you both that day," he pouted.

"It was never supposed to be her. It was never supposed to be anyone." Katie heard her mother's voice again, though she still couldn't pin point the source.

"Yes well, for two people that claimed to be so intelligent, you two sure did know how to be good at being stupid. Though I guess she was to blame for part of it. With her dumb acts of bravery. I'd say she deserved it."

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