Chapter Ten.

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My last class for the day was visual studies. I was finally fully satisfied with my piece and I didn't miss the brightness that shone in Mr. Dale's eyes when he took it from me. Gareth didn't receive the same expression and I covered my mouth to muffle my snickers when his smile had fallen from the disapproving look from our teacher. 

As I had packed up my tools, I spotted Kyle walking over towards me, but a petite blonde bounced in his way causing him to abruptly halt. I smiled softly at him then focused my eyes on Alicia. She was wearing a floral dress today and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. "Hey Lyla, how are you?" she asks with a smile. 

I smiled trying to not pay attention to the giant male behind her pouting his lips. "Hey, I'm great. Thanks for asking."

She sighed. "You're like the only nicest person here, it makes me feel a bit lonely." she admits. I scoffed softly at her declaration. I'm not so sure she would entirely know how much these students can make you feel lonely. However, she didn't have to worry about anyone rejecting her. 

Kyle finally pushed passed her, and flung an arm over my shoulder. "She's real and she's mine." his says boastfully with a proud smile. 

My cheeks flushed and I dropped my eyes to the ground once Alicia starts smirking. "Oh come on, you have to learn to share Kyle." she says playfully. 

"Nope. Not my Lyla."

"Surely you can compromise"

He scoffs. "In which lifetime?"

"Guys!" I shout, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. "Seriously stop it."

Suddenly Alicia's index finger rose and she poked my cheeks. "Aww, look she's blushing."

"Such a beauty." Kyle added smirking down at me. 

I groaned and quickly covered my cheeks shaking my head at them. They were so doing this on purpose to tease me. I exhaled and mustered up as much strength I could to not appear as a tomato.

"Yes, yes I'm pretty amazing." I says cockily and laughed along with them.

Afterwards, we all walked side by side towards the school exit. Alicia followed us close to Kyle's car, enquiring where we were going. "We're going to have some alone time." Kyle admits, wiggling his brows.

Alicia gasp and snapped her eyes to me in shock. I slapped Kyle's chest, glaring at him. "Its not like that." I quickly reassured her.

Kyle chuckled and began to pack his bag in his car. Alicia opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by a familiar voice hollaring at her from across the lot.

It was Jackson. Even from here I could see him glaring at her from amongst the crowd surrounding him. I rubbed my arms in thought when I locked eyes with Selena. With all that's been happening, I had totally forgot about her.

Alicia sighed. "That's my cue. See you later guys." She says with a small smile.

I returned it then slid into Kyle's car. My mind was completely focused on Selena now. Seeing me leave with Kyle, basically says everything now. I know eventually I'd have to face her again. And Kyle will have to deal with all the weird glances people will begin to throw at him. Because of me...

"You're making that face again...what's on your mind?" His voice says softly.

I glanced at him and saw that he was studying me intensely for a bit before glancing at the road again. "Selena. She saw us together."

He raised a brow. "Why is that a problem? Did something happen with her?"

"Well, you know she doesn't necessarily like you're her ex...I know..." I trailed off feeling awkward at trying to explain myself.

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