Chapter Twenty-One

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When Monday came around things between my father and I were looking much better. Tart Tat came through with his promise and this morning I got ready for school and my dad got ready for his first day of work.

He had a nervous look on his face when I got downstairs and I smirked at him. He has been leaning against the island and stirring into a bowl of oats porridge for the past two minutes.

"I'm not sure you'll have oats left to eat after all that stirring dad." I teased and he snapped his head towards me then glanced at his damned porridge.

"Dammit, my mind went real far a moment there," he sighed shoving away the bowl and reaching for a banana instead.

I followed suit and also grabbed one for myself. "Nervous?"

He itched his jaw. "More like intimidated. It's been a long time Lyla."

"Dad, you used to be the best Constructor in town. Don't worry you got this." I encouraged with a smile.

He met my eyes with a small smile of his own. "Thanks for believing in your old man." he says.

My phone beeped before I could respond and I lifted it to read Kyle's message. "Oh, Kyle's outside. Got to go dad." I said hurriedly.

He followed me towards the front door with a thoughtful expression. "Lyla, does Kyle know about Spain?" he enquired.

I frowned, my hand freezing on the door knob and I turned towards him. "He knows dad. And he's okay with it." I answered.

"I know before I forced you to paint, because I depended so much on you, but honey, ensure you are doing this for you and not to encourage me or some rich kid from Vector academy to accept you because your famous." he proclaims.

I swallowed, feeling uncomfortable. "Kyle isn't like that dad. Please be willing to give him a chance." I plead. Dad made it straight that he didn't fancied Kyle very much before, however, now I'm realising just how much that might be a problem.

I cant stand the thought of seeing that look on his face every time he knows I'm going somewhere with him.

"Have a good day sweetie." he says, disregarding my plee and placing a small kiss on my forehead.

I sighed exiting my house and approached Kyle's car, as if there was a burden on my shoulders. I had to get my father's approval somehow.

Kyle gave me a small smile when I sat in the car and I frowned at the awkward tension. He has been upset about me cutting him off on Friday and I tried my best to ensure I didn't incorporate any of what Jackson said to me within the conversation. It would only make things worse than it already is.

"Hey," I greeted softly.

"Hi," he returned glancing towards the road as he drove off. "How are things with your father? We barely spoke all weekend."

I inclined the passenger seat and relaxed. "Definately better than Friday. Speaking of which, are you still upset with me?" I asked.

He sighed. "No, my anger is diverted towards Jackson now. I can't understand why he would want you there alone. There must be a motive."

You're right. I wanted to say, but I swallowed instead, suddenly uncomfortable with the direction of our conversation. "Yeah well it's pass and gone, let's just move pass it." I suggest.

He simply hummed in response and drummed his fingers on the stirring wheel, chewing his lips in thought. "I'd like to paint you today. After school." he declares.

A smile grew on my face. "Finally."

He glanced at me with a knowing smile. "These past few days makes me feel like there has been some form of distance between us. And I don't like it." he reached over and held my hand tightly.

My heart warmed and the butterflies I usually feels whenever he expresses himself to me returned. I had no doubts that I was whipped for this guy. "I feel the same." I whispered.

When we pulled into the parking lot, there wasn't any reporters like the last time. However students lingered outside by their cars.

When I exited the car, my eyes searched the group of jocks standing by Jared's monster truck for Jackson but he wasn't there. It was his motorcycle that made me know he came to school today. I wasn't sure how I'll face him in Mr.Weebly's class today.

Kyle took my hand, pulling me from my thoughts and we walked towards the school entrance together. A couple seconds after my phone rang and I removed my hand from his to answer.

"Hello?" I answered, unfamiliar with the number.

"Hey Lyla, it's Moses. I saw your email last night." he answered.

I told Kyle to go-ahead of me, before inclining against the wall that stood at the entrance of the school. "Hey I'm happy you called me." I acknowledged.

"So, I really shouldn't be doing this but because I respect you and want answers myself, I'm willing to help you with this mystery." he explains.

I frowned. "What do you mean? I thought you'd know everything."

"I thought so too, but Mr. Harrington doesn't think that's wise. I still don't have enough information as to why Jonathan is hiding. What I do know is that they lock down all his public photos and social profiles. And he's not in New York. He left a couple months ago to follow a lead." he explains.

My brows knitted together and I chewed my lips thoughtfully. "Following a lead? He was searching for something?"

"More like someone. I think it might be a potential artist. Lyla remember you can't tell anyone this. No one." he warned.

I exhaled. Another thing to keep from Kyle. "Yeah I know. I don't know how I'll help you all the way from Virginia Beach though." I says doubtfully. At least I know Vision isn't some secret criminal agency.

"Actually that's perfect. I'm still fishing around but it turns out this lead, led him to Virginia Beach. That's where he is Lyla," he admits.

I gasped and pushed myself off the wall in alert. "Are you serious?"

"One hundred percent. We'll get to the bottom of this Lyla. I promise you." Moses states and my smile grew because I believed every single word.

-With Love, Chan

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-With Love, Chan.

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