Chapter Twenty-Two

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Kyle waited by my locker patiently until I was finished talking to Moses. He didn't press me on who called but I could tell he was curious.

Apart of me wanted to tell Kyle what exactly was going on at Vision. However, that would betray Moses trust. I couldn't tell him just yet. I'd have to wait until we gain the whole truth.

I closed my locker after pulling out my English notebook then faced him. His black T-shirt made his skin looked slightly tanned today and complimented his eyes well. I smiled and gave him a light peck on his lips.

He smirked. “What was that for?”

I blushed. “You look cute so I went for it.”

He chuckled. “You’re the best Lyla,” he complimented. The bell rang for first period and I sighed in disappointment. “Hey, remember tonight.” he says holding my arm.

I nodded. “I wouldn't miss it for anything.” I affirm.

We hugged before parting in the opposite directions. He had English with a different teacher at this time and I was stuck with Jackson as my partner in Mr. Weekly class. Thank goodness the semester is almost up.

The closer I got to the class, the more anxious I felt to the point where it was beginning to annoy me. Why did Jackson have to make everything awkward?

He was already seated when I got there and I visibly scowled when he throw a smirk my way. He was dressed differently and not in his usual high school Jersey. Instead, he was in a simple long sleeve blue shirt and ripped jeans. The shirt matched his eyes exactly and I tore my eyes away from his because of how intimidating they felt.

Definitely fear.

"Good Morning Lyla." He whispered when I sat down. I peered down at the novel placed on each of our desks to seem distracted.

"Morning." I murmured.

"You look beautiful." He complimented and my eyes snapped to his. He smiled and my toes curled.

Definately Butterflies.

I quickly looked away. "Thanks."

Mr. Weebly walked in then and I couldn't be more grateful. It felt like I was stifling for air. He explained today's instructions, declaring we'll be working individually, by reading the first three chapters and answering the questions he wrote on the board afterwards.

The whole class was attentive for the first couple minutes, and for a moment the tension between myself and Jackson seem to disappear.

It was short lived however, when a piece of paper hit the back of the book I was using to hide my face. I tried to ignore it at first, but he kept on throwing them and my frustration grew every passing second.

“What?” I snapped lowering the book.

He smiled. “Are you not going to talk to me anymore?”

I sighed. “Why should I? You were practically forcing me to cheat on my boyfriend.”

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “You’re only overreacting. I don't like liars and you were being one. So I got upset.”

I scoffed and looked towards the book again. “Well you're about to be pissed off again.” I muttered lowly.

He sighed loudly and shockingly reached to grab my right wrist and I stiffened. I frantically glanced around at the other students, relieved they were too busy working to notice and tried to drag my hand out of his. However, he tightened his hold.

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