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"Okay, car arrangements so we don't have to take as many." Lenny said as everyone gathered in the living room the morning they were leaving for the lake house."

"Maisie is gonna take her car with all of you teens, including Nancy b cause Greg invited her." Roxanne said.

"Thanks for having me." The blonde smiled.

"I call dibs on front seat!" Greg and Andre shouted before fighting over the front seat.

"Hey!" Maisie exclaimed and the two turned to her, "Braden gets the front seat."

The two teenage boys turned to look at the blonde, who had his arm around Maisie, and nodded because they were scared of not only Braden, but Maisie as well.

"Then all the women and Becky in Roxanne's car." Lenny said.

"Us men and Bean in my car." Kurt said.

"And Rob and Gloria are gonna be coming in Rob's car." Eric continued.

"So let's get to filling cars up." Marcus finished.


After everything was packed into the car, everyone was on the road. Maisie's car was behind her mothers car while Kurt's car was behind her. In the back Charlotte, Donna, Keithie, Andre, Greg and Nancy were packed in tightly so that they would all fit, Maisie had both her hands on the steering wheel, and Braden sat in the passenger seat with his hand resting on Maisie's thigh, his thumb rubbing small circles on the inner side.

"Mais," Greg broke the silence, "Plug you phone in. I'm dying of boredom."

Maisie glanced down at her phone in the cup holder and lifted her left leg up to rest on the steering wheel to help keep the car straight.

"Is that safe to do?" Nancy asked from her spot between Greg and Andre.

"Maisie's a pro when it comes to driving with no hands." Greg said, "Well, except for when she first got her licence and she crashed the car into a tree leaving the school parking lot at her old school."

"I don't even remember parking by that damn tree." Maisie said as she went to her music, glancing up at the road every once and again.

"Put it on 'The Way' you and Andre know every damn word to that song." Charlotte said. "I wanna hear the two of you." 

"No, I haven't sung that song in forever." Andre denied.

"Andre! Andre! Andre! Andre!" Everyone but Braden, Andre and Nancy chanted.

"Fine! Fine!"


I love the way, you make me feel
I love it, I love it
I love the way you make me feel
I love it, I love it

Say, I'm thinking 'bout her every second, every
Do my singing in the shower
Picking petals off the flowers like
Do she love me, do she love me?
I ain't a play, I just crush a lot

Sounds of Summer|Braden Higgins|Where stories live. Discover now