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"Are you sure this is the house?" Keithie asked.

"It's the address we found." Andre shrugged. "So, who's knocking on the door?"

"Greg should do it."

"What? Me? It was your idea!" Greg looked at his younger brother.

"Yeah, but you're the twin!"

Greg let out a sigh before he went to the door and rung the door bell on the small house, taking a step back.

"Maybe nobody's home. There's no car." Andre spoke just before the door opened to a worn down looking Braden.

"What are the three of you doing here?" Braden questioned, looking at each of them.

"I didn't plan this day ahead." Greg said.

"I just drove the car." Andre told the blonde haired boy.

"Dumbasses." Keithie pushed past them, "Look, Braden. I know this whole thing with you leaving has hurt both you and my sister, but we came here to get you 'cause we want both of you to be happy together. And your Mom shouldn't be able to decide where you stay if you are unhappy."

"So, what do you say? Let us drive you back so you and Maisie can get back together." Andre said.

Braden starred at them, each with a hopeful look in their eyes. "Give me an hour to shower and pack. And to come up with something to leave for my mom."

The three boys cheered before following Braden into the house.


While Braden got into the shower and then packed his clothes, the three boys sat around the living room waiting for him to finish so that they could leave.

"Braden! I'm home!"

"Uh, oh." The three boys looked at each other as Morgan walked into her living room.

"Oh, hi." Morgan awkwardly smiled at the three boys. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Uh, well, you see." Andre stuttered out.

"They came to get me." Braden walked in with a couple bags. "And I'm going with them. Mom, I love you. But I love Maisie too and I want to be with her."

"If you leave." Morgan told her son, "Then don't come back."

"You got it, Mom."



"I can't believe they left without telling anyone where they were going." Deanne shook her head as she looked out the window along with Roxanne, both of them waiting on their sons to get back from their "camping trip".

"I'm sooo grounding them if they didn't leave without a good reason!" Roxanne exclaimed.

"Daddy." Becky spoke as she sat with Bean, eating her lunch that was made by Maisie and Nancy.

"Yes, sweetheart?" Lenny asked his youngest daughter.

"Does this mean Maisie, the baby in mommy, and I are the favorites?"

"Oh, honey. You guys already are."


"They are here!"

Everyone stood up and walked outside, mostly wanting to watch Deanne and Roxanne to yell at the boys.

"Mom, before you get mad. Greg started as he got out of the car, "This was totally Keithie's idea."

"Yeah. The whole thing." Andre nodded fastly nodding his head in agreement.

"Keithie?" Roxanne turned to her younger son.

Keithie shrugged his shoulders, pointing to his older sister, "I did it for Maisie."

"What do you mean, Keithie?" Maisie looked at her brother.

"You can come out now." Greg looked back at the car.

Everyone watched in confusion as the back door came open and someone stepped out of the vehicle. The door shut and the tall blonde turned around so that everyone could see that it was Braden standing there, eyes locked with Maisie's as a tear rolled down her face.

"The three of us went to Braden's to bring him back here." Keith I've told his parents and older sister. "I hope your not mad."


The blue haired girl shook her head as she rushed down the steps and launched herself into Braden's arms. Loud sobs left her lips as he tightly held on to her, having dropped his duffle bag that held his stuff.

"I love you." He mumbled against her neck, not wanting to let go of her anytime soon.

The parents watched the two teens being reunited in the Feder driveway, happy that Maisie would soon go back to the old her, the one that they all wanted was for her to be happy.


"What did you do to your hair?." Braden ran his fingers through the blue hair, cupping her face in his hands.

"I dyed it blue a few weeks ago." She told him, tears still rolling down her cheeks. "Do you like it?"

"Like it? Baby, I love it."


"Although we are not happy the three of you ran off without telling us last night, what you boys did for Maisie was sweet." Roxanne said as they had Greg, Kiethie, and Andre sitting on the couch.

"Mom, we just wanted her to be happy." Greg said, "And look, she's smiling again."

"I know, honey." Roxane smiled, turning to look at her eldest daughter and Braden, who sat out by the pool, talking things over, "And I hope he keeps making her smile that bright."

Sounds of Summer|Braden Higgins|Where stories live. Discover now