Chapter 5 - Shades of Green (cont.)

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The hallway leading to what Officer Brandt called the Solarium slopes sharply upwards. It smells damp, like the garden near my biology class. After getting my shot, the nurse at the clinic sent me to Brandt's office, a small room off the cafeteria, to receive my job assignment. Brandt gave me my assignment with a grunt and barely a glance in my direction. He said I would know the room when I saw it, then chuckled, and as I reach the end of the hallway and open the door I see what he means.

My eyes burn from the sudden, bright light and I wince, covering them with my hands. Slowly they adjust, and what I see when they do takes my breath away.

The room is filled with shades of green. Dark green moss covers the wall, and lush grass carpets parts of the floor. In the middle of the room a particularly large section of grass surrounds a wide, low, circular fountain. People are stretched out on the blanket of grass, warming themselves in the sunlight. Large trees grow sporadically throughout the room, along with benches and other comfortable places to lounge.

The ceiling, though, is the most amazing part. It's made out of a shiny, metallic material, almost like a mirror. The light shines through holes, more like tunnels, that must lead to the surface.

I make my way to the back of the room, resisting the urge to take off my shoes and walk alongside the planked wooden path, to feel the grass between my toes. Near the back of the room, the path splits. The left would take me in a circle around the Solarium. The right leads to a door. I yearn to follow the left path, and explore this room even further.

But Brandt said another test subject would be waiting for me in the Solar Room, to show me how everything works, so I turn to the door on my right. Sure enough, a small plaque reads, "Solar". A small box is attached next to the handle, and I pause. They didn't give me a key. I reach up to feel for a button or maybe a latch that will open the box and reveal a keypad, but as soon as my hand gets within a few inches of the box I hear a latch click.

I try the handle. It works. Glancing at my wrist, realization hits me. There must be some kind of sensor in the bracelet. I step inside.

The Solar Room reaches high, so high I can't tell where it ends, and every surface is covered with solar panels and mirrors. If I thought the Solarium was bright, then the Solar Room is the middle of a flare.

I gape at the vision before me, my neck craned, turning, trying to see the ceiling--if it even exists. Behind me, the door to the room bursts open. I snap my head to look.


I close my mouth quickly. I must look like a child, gawking at the panels and lights. He clenches his jaw, his stare intense. This is who I'm supposed to work with? He looks like he wants to wring my neck. Hopefully I'll be out of this place before he gets the chance. 


Author's note: Thank you for reading! Please don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter :).

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