Chapter 9 - Try To Scream (cont.)

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I couldn't just leave her there. Not after what she did for Nadya. That's what I tell myself as I carry her from the library to Nadya's room. Her room too I guess. She's barely conscious, her eyes fluttering beneath her lids, her lips slightly parted. My muscles twitch at the sensation of her skin against mine. These hands held the gun that killed Trenton. This finger pulled the trigger. I lay her on the bed as soon as possible.

Her eyes blink open and she stares at me for a second, concentrating on my left eye. Her brows knit in concern. A bruise must already be forming where Brandt's fist connected with my face. I stand back from the bed, cramming my hands in my pockets.

"How's Nadya?" she asks.

"Leah got her. I was going to, but..." I look away, not meeting her eyes. "That was really brave of you. They were just going to leave you on the floor." I feel a wave of fire flash through me and swallow, taking a deep breath. Leah might not be grateful for her help, but I am. "Thank you for standing up for Nadya. I would have, I just didn't get there in time."

"I know," she says. I raise my eyebrows. She continues, "I saw you come in before he, well, you know." She gestures at herself, then sits up, groaning and clutching her head. Based on my own experience, she'll have that headache for the rest of the day.

"Um," she clears her throat. "Thanks to you too." She stumbles over the words. I expect her to blush, or smile, or show some emotion on her face, but it's as guarded as ever. I wonder what she looks like behind that mask.

"No problem," I shrug. We sit in silence, and I'm thinking of an excuse to leave when she scratches her leg, then winces in pain. She pulls up her pant leg and reveals a blotchy, red rash on her thigh. I recognize it from when Nadya was in the blue group.

"Ouch," I say, reaching to touch the rash. She jerks away, and I pull back in surprise. Surprise at her reaction. Surprise that I reached out in the first place.

"Sorry." She pulls her pant leg back down. "I should go to the clinic."

"No." I shake my head. "They'll just tell you it's normal, and not to come back unless you start puking." I stand. "Give me a minute." I think I still have some cream left from when Nadya had the same rash.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

I try to keep the frustration from creeping into my voice. "Just hold on."

I check for guards in the girls' hallway before going to my room. When I walk in I avert my eyes from Trenton's side of the room. I can't bear to look at those limp, half removed sheets. I lift my mattress and find the slit I cut in it, feeling around inside until my fingers brush a smooth, cool tube. I grab it and head back to the new girl's room.

"Try putting this on it." I hand her the cream.

She squeezes a small amount of the ointment onto her fingers and rubs it onto the rash. "Where did you get this stuff?"

"I took it from an exam room for Nadya. She was in your trial when we first got here."

"Oh." She looks deep in thought, her eyes unfocused. Then she shakes her head and holds out the tube.

"No, you hang onto it," I say, pushing the cream back towards her. As I do, my finger brushes her thumb, and shivers run up my spine. I think back to when I got to the library today, how she looked standing between Brandt and Nadya. Fierce, like a human shield. How she didn't back down when he pulled out his taser. How can she be the same person who killed Trenton?

As if she can read my mind, she says, "You know, I am sorry about Trenton."

I nod, but I can feel the grief building up in my throat again, threatening to suffocate me. "I..." I clear my throat. "I'll see you later."

The new girl says something as I leave, but I'm already out the door and don't hear her.

No, not the new girl anymore. Evita. 


Author's note: Thank you for reading! Please don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter :).

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