Chapter 16 - Can't Trust Her

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I remember the last time a few studies ended together. The mood was light, like it is now, and people were happier. It's a tense lightness though, an uncertain joy. Like at any moment things could go back to the way they were, or even worse.

In the library, I check each aisle as I walk the length of the room, looking for Leah. Trenton's note rests in my pocket and I rub it between my finger and thumb, the paper already worn around the edges. I find myself reaching for it throughout the day, and as time passes it feels warmer in my pocket, like it's calling for me. I need answers, and there's only one person who might be able to give me some. I just hope the questions don't shatter her.

I weave in and out of the aisles and my mind returns to what Evita said. Is it time to fight? I thumb the note again. Maybe it was time long before now.

Leah's shiny, black hair bobs into view as she passes the end of the aisle I'm on and I reach out, brushing her sleeve. She swivels, and I notice a bulge in her jacket before she crosses her arms.

I shake my head. "Can we talk?"

She tilts her head but nods, and I lead us to a couple of armchairs in the corner. A plant sits on a table between them. Someone must have moved it here from the sunroom, and without sunlight it's brown and drooping. The researchers bring plants in here, I guess to brighten up the library, and then forget to water them. They always die.

We sit, and Leah frowns. "So what's up?" She watches me. I can't do it yet. Instead, I tell her about what Evita said.

As I talk she raises her eyebrows, and when I finish she snorts. "Right. They're going to get rid of us. And you believe that?"

"Well," I hesitate. I don't believe it. But then again, I don't think Evita is lying either.

"Nu-uh Dale. You can't trust her." She looks down her nose at me, as if the force of her gaze can change my mind.

I roll my eyes. I'm not sure her opinion is all that unbiased either. Leah has hated Evita since before she walked into Elysia. She never even gave her a chance. I grasp Leah's hands in mine. "You can't keep blaming her for his death."

I'm surprised to find I actually believe this. It's something I've known all along, but didn't want to accept. Evita was just a victim of circumstance, like the rest of us. Just trying to save herself.

Leah looks away, then slips her hands from mine and folds her arms over her chest. "You think you know her. Did you know Brandt caught her trying to escape?" My chest tightens.

She continues, spurred on by the look on my face. "Who knows what kind of deal she made with Sheer. I'm telling you Dale, she can't be trusted."

A thought comes to me, and I narrow my eyes. "How do you know she was caught?"

Leah blushes, confirming my suspicions. I should never have told her what Evita was planning. At least she has the good sense show some shame.

The paper in my pocket feels like it's burning a hole in my sweat pants, impossible to ignore any longer. I bend the corner of the note, feeling less sorry about bringing up Trenton than I did just a few minutes ago. Leah can handle it. I don't show her the note though. That would be like trying to pick a lock with a stick of lit dynamite.

I carefully broach the subject instead. Leah is still avoiding eye contact. That will make this easier. "I've been thinking a lot about Trenton lately." A string is hanging off the bottom of my t-shirt, and I pull on it. I feel her look up, but I keep my eyes on the string. "Did you know he was planning to escape?"

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