Chapter 20 - Primed to Spark

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I've been eating meals with Tasia and Victor ever since my fight with Weston. He pretends I'm not there any time we're in the same room. It's not much different with Dale. I know he's mad at me for telling Weston, but I couldn't let the chance pass by. There might be information on that screen that could help us escape. Too bad I didn't get a chance to look through it.

I say goodbye to Nadya as we leave the line and head to Tasia's table. I pass Brandt on the way and feel his beady eyes boring into me, though he doesn't speak. If he told Sheer what he overheard, it doesn't seem like she cared much.

I glance over at Dale as I sit, and see Leah next to him, like she's been the past couple of days. If nothing else, her presence would keep me from trying to sit with him. I wonder if he thought of that. I also notice that Weston still isn't eating with Dale. I feel a small pang of guilt, knowing that I'm probably the reason behind that, but shake it off. Their friendship isn't my problem.

Tasia saw what happened with Weston, of course. The whole cafeteria saw. It's no longer a secret to the other test subjects that I'm trying to escape. Most of them probably think I'm crazy, but I wouldn't know. They don't talk to me anyway, just whisper as I pass by. Besides, it doesn't seem like that big of a stretch that someone would want to leave this place. I'm sure others consider it all the time.

Tasia didn't hesitate to pull me into the seat beside her that night, when I left the meal line and realized I didn't have a place to sit. It felt strange to be so readily included. Like a new pair of jeans that don't quite fit, but still makes you feel good.

Others at the table are chatting, and something a small, wiry boy says makes Victor snort and start choking on his drink. Tasia rolls her eyes and turns to me.

"So, how long are you going to be eating with us?"

My breath catches and my stomach seizes. Does she not want me here?

The worry must show on my face because Tasia laughs. "Have you made up with Dale yet?"

I exhale and feel my gut unknotting. "We haven't really talked."

She shakes her head. "You'll have to make the first move and apologize."

My laugh sputters between my lips. "I'll have to what?" I figured Dale would either come around or that would be the end of it. I didn't even consider apologizing.

She ignores my incredulity. "I can tell you miss him. You're always looking over at his table." She giggles and elbows me in the side.

I roll my eyes. Right. Miss him.

Except I do. I miss toying with the system in the Solar Room, and our quiet walks to the clinic. We'd even begun to read together in the Solarium in the afternoons. The thought makes my skin itch. I shouldn't be missing him. I shouldn't be feeling anything for him. I told myself I wouldn't.

Nothing in life is permanent. I should know that better than anyone. After my mom left us my dad took his own life, leaving his five-year-old daughter with a man who could no longer stand to see her face. My parents, the two people who you're supposed to be able to rely on more than anyone else in this world, both chose to leave me behind.

People leave. It's inevitable. And I'm not going to rely on someone I've only known for two weeks.

But Tasia may be right. I'll need his help if I'm ever going to find a way out of this place.


When I enter the Solar Room Dale is already working, so I pick up my supplies and ride the lift to the fifth level to join him.

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