£ chapter 8 £

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Levi pov~

Today is the worst month of the year, December, it not that i hate it, it's because its the month of my birthday and it's freezing cold outside.
The streets are dangerous to be driving, that's why my boss cancelled work. On the news there's a new accident and the caused, you guessed it, the god damn snow. The only thing i like about this month is that i can stay all day at home, drinking something hot while being all wormed up.
Like now, im in my living room, watching tv while drinking a cup of tea, erens with me, he's cuddling in my lap being warmed up by the blanket that i dragged from one of my rooms.

"Oi eren shitty glasses is coming" i said as eren let out a whine.

"I know...i also don't want her here...but her heater broke down and she needs something to warm up"

Eren let out another whine and snuggle closer to me. I smiles at him and pet him. I made sure he was covered in the blanket, cause i don't want him to get sick. The fast nocking interrupted my nice time with eren.
I walked to the door and opened it, suddenly being hit with the cold air, i made hurry in and shut the door when she entered.

"Oh~! Its was so cold!!" Hanji screamed as she tried to heat up.

"No shit shitty glasses" i said and sat down on my couch and wrap myself in my blanket again.

"Hey give me some!" hanji yelled as she grabbed some of my blanket and covered herself.

Eren let out a growl when hanji sat down, he snuggle closer to me. I made sure he was curl up in my lap and his head resting on the side of the couch.
Hanji giggled and started to pet eren making him let out loud growls. I slapped her hand away from him and glared at her. She just shrugged and left the couch, she came back with a cup of coffee and some cookies i made for ME.

"Shitty glasses" i warmed.

Hanji just shrugged and kept on eating making one of my eyebrows twitch. Eren knew i was getting angry so he did what he always does when im angry, he liked my cheek and laid his head on my shoulder, i let out a sigh and hugged him.

"Aww~!! Its so adorable!!" hanji yelled as she took pictures of us.

"Shut up...im enjoying this" i mumble the last part making sure she didn't hear it.

"I still can't believe you actually cared for a dog!" hanji yelled as she looked at me.

"Of course....if it were you i would of left you there" i smirked as hanji let out a dramatic gasp.

"Rude!" she said making me shrug

"Hey levi....what do you want?" hanji said, i gave her a confused face

"What do you mean shitty glasses?" i said as she let out a laugh

"For a birthday present duh!" she yelled

"I don't know...anything i like" I said

"Then another dog?" she said

We heard eren let out a growl, i let out a smirk, eren looked at hanji and growl at her. I rolled my eyes at him and kiss his head.

"Don't listen to her...i don't want another one....with you i have enough of attention and problems" i smirked making eren let out a growl and paw my face.

"Oi watch it!" i said and hit his head.

Eren then stood up and got out of my lap, he jumped off my lap and walked up the stairs and didn't came back down. I let out a sigh and shook my head.

"Great he's mad at me" i mumble, hanji let out a laugh.

"You guys look like a couple! Well that's if eren was a human" hanji said as i let out a small laugh

"He acts like he understands everything i say to him, everytime i read a story he seats beside me and doesn't move until I'm done reading. He brings me anything i tell him, he helps me clean! He knows how to turn on a tv, he knows how to prepare the hot water for tea! I never teach him that!?" i realized as hanji looked at me with shocked eyes.

"Well...I've been looking...and please don't get mad at what I'm about to say!!" she yelled, i nodded.

"Well..I've seen that eren isn't a normal dog...or should i say not dog at all" she said as i gave her a confused look.

"What are you getting at shitty glasses?" i said as she took a deep breath and look at me.

"Eren isn't a dog....more like a...wolf" she said as my eyes widened.

"Know that you mention it....eren does acts like a wolf....i sometimes hear him howl at the moon....he likes to eat more meat....omfg" i mumble the last part as i rubbed my face.

"So...you adopted a wolf" hanji said as i glared at her.

"I guess so....but its cool....people will fear me more" i smirked making hanji rolled her eyes.

"Yeah~ whatever you say shorty" hanji said making me glared at her.

We sat there in silence, watching the movie...but i was getting lonely without eren.

"Eren!! Come here!!" i yelled getting a growl in response.

Eren walked down the stairs and looked at me with a bored expression. I glared at him and took the blanket off me and petted my lap. Eren just sat there and turn his back to me.

"Don't worry levi....maybe i can bring one of my dogs over and he'll enjoy laying on your lap!" hanji said as eren let out a growl.

He stood up and sat on my lap, i let out a chuckle and hanji a laugh. I pat eren and kiss his head. His tail started to wag as more attention i was giving him.

"You're a stubborn one aren't you" i smirk making eren let out a noice from his throat.

"No you just spoiled him levi" hanji laugh.

"And I'm still doing it" i smirk as i give eren a kiss and rubbed his stomach.

"I love my little wolf" i said and hugged eren.

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